501.BC/9–1548: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France


3651. For Jessup.1 Re Hyderabad you should be guided by Deptel 5702 on procedural aspects. On merits, US general position based following considerations:

On historical, economic and ethnological grounds and for security and stability Indian Subcontinent, US believes that, subject will Hyd people, accession to GOI on equitable terms is best solution, preferable to either complete independence or accession Pakistan;
Ultimate solution should not be by force and US regrets that situation has arisen leading to use of force, particularly in view provision Standstill Agreement governing GOI-Hyd relations stating that it does not “confer any right on Dominion send troops assist Nizam in maintenance internal order” nor station troops Hyd except in wartime; and provision calling for arbitration;
Practical alternatives to ultimate solution by force this case appear to include: (1) resumption negotiations or (2) reference question Hyd future status to direct vote people under international supervision or observation. Though every effort should be made under (1), circumstances this case indicate (2) more feasible course.

In course negotiations since Aug 1947, GOI has several times expressed view favorable plebiscite and Indian Army command issued proclamation Hyd people Sept 12 stating they will have opportunity decide own future. We likewise understand Nizam agreeable plebiscite, but in any event he would find it difficult oppose such procedure. Believe, therefore, SC decision that plebiscite shall be held offers practical hope solution.

You may discuss problem immediately Cadogan along above lines, informing him sense Deptels 551 and 552 to New Delhi and exploring with him possibility that should no GOI initiative be forthcoming, UK or other friendly delegation might propose that SC recommend that plebiscite will be held under UN supervision or observation and instruct President SC conduct immediate negotiations both parties work out basic conditions under which plebiscite can take place, including cessation hostilities and peaceful deployment troops both govts to maintain law and order.

You are also authorized informally convey above general lines US thinking in answering inquiries other delegates, bearing in mind Dept does not desire take formal initiative in SC at this time.

Please inform Indian Delegate sense Deptels 551 and 552.

At same time Dept would wish cooperate with any practical movement which may develop in Paris toward mediation or other means pacific settlement in accord with Charter provided question of Hyd statehood is reserved.

Dept initially inclined oppose immediate SC cease fire order on grounds such step not practicable in circumstances and any US support would seriously jeopardize US-GOI relations.

Embassy London requested inform FonOff contents this tel and Deptels 551 and 552 to New Delhi.

  1. Philip C. Jessup, Deputy U.S. Representative on the Security Council.
  2. September 1, to New York, p. 372.