845.00/9–1548: Telegram

The Chargé in India (Donovan) to the Secretary of State


841. According communiqué issued September 14 by Headquarters, Southern Command, Poona, Indian forces advanced on all fronts since beginning action Monday and have captured important objectives. Points captured include Daulotabad, Jalna in extreme northwest state, and Osmanabad. Communiqué also stated “lightning advances” along-Sholapur-Hyderabad Road have brought Indian troops to Rajasur about half way to Secunderabad. RIAF have bombed Hyderabad airfields and have lost two planes.

UK High Commissioner said today he did not consider it beyond bounds of possibility that there was “a deal” between Bucher and El-Edroos.1 Bucher told Symon that to date Hyderabad State troops; had withdrawn when GOI forces appeared. However, Symon emphasizes his comment is pure speculation. He agrees with Embassy that next 48 hours will be critical and that unless Hyderabad resistance increases during that period there will probably be very little trouble.

Fry reported 8:30 a. m., September 15, all quiet in Hyderabad and that 58 Europeans were at Sanatnagar concentration point; so far as known only one American is there (Embtel 840, September 152).

No incidents in Delhi up to 1 p. m., September 15, and Embassy has heard of none elsewhere in India.

Sent Department 841, pouched Indian consulates, Karachi. Department pass London.

  1. General El-Edroos, Commander in Chief of the Hyderabad army.
  2. Not printed.