501.BC Kashmir/7–1548: Telegram

The United States Representative on the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (Huddle) to the Secretary of State


574. Comkas 11. Kascom courteously received arrival both Karachi and New Delhi when paying formal calls on Prime Ministers and Foreign Secretaries Pakistan 9th and India 12. Pakistan Governor General absent but delegates were guests his house. Foreign Minister Zafrullah Khan invited delegates second interview 9th when he repeated substance his representations previously made SC adding that Pakistan now has about three brigades at front in Kashmir territory but insisting troops for defense only, holding line and preventing conditions ensuing which threaten very existence Pakistan.

At Commission’s first business session New Delhi 13th Bajpai who has been named liaison for Indian Government with Vellodi1 made forceful ex parte statement India’s case saying state undeclared war existed which, unless Pakistan forces withdrew, would be decided India. He denied all Pakistan allegations at same time protesting alleged Pakistan activities. Said no possibility plebiscite until Pakistan forces withdrawn. However, Bajpai offered Commission collaboration Indian Government in efforts find solution.

At meeting 14th Bajpai was handed copy Commission resolution delivered same afternoon Pakistan High Commissioner Delhi requesting parties take all measures improve situation and refrain making or causing be made statements aggravating situation.2 Text being telegraphed separately. Commenting Bajpai said GOI could not muzzle press and Indian military action within its constitutional moral obligations. He reviewed military situation briefly but urged Commission hear Indian military experts. On possibility cease-fire gave personal opinion minimum Indian condition would be withdrawal Pakistan troops Kashmir but said would refer question his Government for official comment.

Commission following cautious policy which thus far seems to be achieving some results and reception by Indian officials was more [Page 350] wholehearted than expected. Tone press previously tending to unfriendly and cynical has softened somewhat and while it is too early to attempt forecasts Commission has not at least been confronted with cold opposition which might have been looked for. Reconcilement diverse views remains baffling problem. Commission’s attention currently devoted discovery way achieve cessation hostilities and situation this respect not without hopes.

Sent Department 574, repeated Karachi 118, Department pass London from Comkas.

  1. M. K. Vellodi, a member of India’s delegation to the Security Council meetings on the Kashmir dispute, January–May 1948.
  2. For text, see SC, 3rd yr., Suppl. for Nov. 1948, p. 127.