501.BC Kashmir/6–2348: Telegram

The United States Representative on the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (Huddle) to the Secretary of State


744. Comkas 6.1 With approval texts 3 letters to be sent GOI 2 of which will also be sent GOP Kayulm [ Comkas? Kabul?] on June 22 completed preparatory work and will despatch advance officer, Richard Symonds June 24 to Karachi and Delhi to make necessary local arrangements. Comkas requesting assistance American Embassies Karachi, New Delhi. Committee [Commission] which has yet to discuss program in sub-continent tentatively plans leave Geneva for Karachi first week July.

Since preliminary meeting June 15 Committee has held 8 meetings. Ambassador Huddle2 unanimously elected temporary chairman at first meeting. Committee then proceeded adopt after discussion and amendment provisional rules procedure proposed by Secretariat.3 Of [Page 347] these perhaps most important is Rule 9 [Section IX] providing in effect that substantive decisions be taken by majority not less than 3 concurring votes. Election of rapporteur to prepare and present committee report before SC was deferred.

Committee adopted official title of “Security Council Committee for India and Pakistan”4 but agreed adoption this title should be given no special publicity, its general acceptance to be gained rather by usage.

Besides drafting letter to Nehru in compliance June 9 letter from SC president,5 committee prepared letter of notification to be sent both governments concerning travel and related arrangements. As adopted both letters expressed committee’s desire be of service both governments “for the settlement of the situation in the state of Jammu and Kashmir”.

This phrase followed in both letters by sentence reading “with regard to its further dispositions the committee has reserved its decision.” Committee adopted this formula after long deliberation as most suitable answer to Nehru’s expressed and implied reservations.

Notification letter sent both governments also contains following paragraph:

“The committee travel arrangements will probably require that it fly to Karachi and from there to New Delhi. This should give opportunity to pay compliments to the Pakistan Government before proceeding further to New Delhi, where conversations with the Indian Government will begin in due course. The committee will return to Karachi for conversations with the Government of Pakistan. Subsequently it is its intention to proceed to Kashmir.”

Committee also prepared letter both governments inviting them in accordance Paragraph 16 SC resolution April 21 designate liaison representatives to be attached committee.

Secretariat telegraphed all 5 letters June 23. Copies these letters and rules procedure being airmailed Department.

At beginning discussion chairmanship US representative introduced draft resolution providing for rotation on two week basis. Belgian representative then proposed, and representatives other than US supported idea US representative serve as permanent chairman or at least until end first phase committee work, presumably with submission committee report to SC in Paris during October. In opposing this suggestion Ambassador Huddle emphasized that election permanent [Page 348] chairman would lead almost inevitably to conviction work of committee being dominated that representative. He also said prestige element could not be ignored since number of countries and individual delegates were making notable effort to afford appropriate representation and also that participation each representative as chairman would stimulate and sustain his interest. In course discussion representatives both Argentina, Czecho stated they intended participate as impartial and objective members committee and not as advocates countries by which they were chosen answering suggestion by Belgian that there might be tendency on part some to raise this point. Although Belgian advanced his suggestion with considerable force he finally withdrew it in view strongly stated position US representative this matter and 3 week rotation adopted.

To date committee has worked harmoniously and expeditiously in friendly atmosphere and unanimity in decisions has been achieved although only few matters real significance, Ambassador Colban personal representative SYG brings to commission long previous experience and knowledge technique and indicates every desire be helpful committee deliberations.

US representative has designated Oakes to serve as his alternate.

  1. Telegram 6 from the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan.
  2. J. Klahr Huddle, Ambassador to Burma, was appointed in early June to serve concurrently as United States Representative on the Commission for India and Pakistan.
  3. For the rules of procedure, adopted at the 4th meeting of the Commission on June 18 in Geneva and amended at the 11th meeting on July 3, see SC, 3rd yr., Suppl. for Nov. 1948, pp. 109–116.
  4. This title was subsequently changed to “United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan.”
  5. For texts or descriptive information on the Commission’s correspondence and action in the first live months of its existence, see the November 9 “Interim report of the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan,” SC, 3rd yr., Suppl. for Nov. 1948, pp. 17–144.