Editorial Note

The first normal meeting of the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan was held on June 16 in Geneva. The delegations of the five countries which constituted the Commission were as follows:

(1) Representatives:

Argentina Minister Ricardo J. Siri
Belgium Minister Egbert Graeffe
Colombia Minister Alfredo Lozano
Czechoslovakia Ambassador Josef Korbel
United States Ambassador J. Klahr Huddle
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(2) Alternate Representatives:

Argentina Minister Carlos A. Leguizamon
Belgium Mr. Harry Graeffe
Colombia Mr. Hernando Samper
United States Mr. C. Hawley Oakes

(3) Advisers to the Representative of the United States:

  • Mr. J. Wesley Adams, Jr.
  • Major Francis M. Smith (U.S. Army)

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, in compliance with the Security Council resolution of January 20, 1948, designated the following personnel to assist the Commission:

Mr. Erik Colban Personal Representative of the Secretary-General
Mr. Arnold V. Kunst Principal Secretary
Mr. Henry S. Bloch Deputy Principal Secretary
Mr. Richard Symonds Personal Adviser and assistant to Mr. Colban1
  1. For greater detail on the composition of the Commission, see SC, 3rd yr., Suppl. for Nov. 1948, pp. 21–22.