868.30/5–1848: Telegram

Mr. John B. Howard to the Secretary of State


Amag 926.1. JUSMAPG requests a temporary increase from 1 June 1948 through 30 June 1949 in the ceiling strength of Greek navy of 800, bringing strength to 14,300. JUSMAPG states recommended increase of 35 officers and 765 men fully justified to permit manning recently acquired ships to insure maximum support of army, particularly in sea lifts and to execute its vitally important minesweeping activities without further delay. American cost this ceiling increase can be met within presently appropriated dollars and within budget estimates of anticipated 200 million appropriation for next fiscal year.

I concur with JUSMAPG recommendation and urge approval.

2. JUSMAPG recommends a permanent increase in Greek air force personnel effective 1 June 1948 of 700 officers and men which will increase present strength from 6,500 to 7,200. This will permit establishment of one additional squadron and allow for additional pilots, mechanics, and operational liaison personnel at the headquarters of the three Greek army corps. Dollar costs of personnel increase can be met from presently appropriated dollars and within budget estimates anticipated $200 million appropriation for next fiscal year. Also budget estimates within anticipated 200 million appropriation permit purchase necessary planes for additional squadron.

I consider strengthening of Greek air force as recommended of especial importance and urge approval of JUSMAPG recommendation.

Early action requested,1 especially in case of navy increase.

  1. The Department, on the recommendation of the Navy and Air Force Departments, approved the proposals in Amag 926 on May 24 (telegram Gama 820, 868.30/5–1848).