811.42700(R)/4–3048: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State


807. Flat rejection Soviet denial jamming (Deptel 442, April 221) probably would go unanswered and since it fails provide face-saving device would render impossible Soviet reversal previous stand. It further might arouse negative Soviet attitude toward future American routine complaints of interference, therefore note on following lines sent FonOff today:2

“Recent reports indicate stations operating 9750, 11730, 15130 and 15250 kc continue experience interference believed basis further technical tests originate eastern portion Soviet Union. View Minister’s statement that Soviet radio stations not employ these frequencies their operations, Embassy grateful if Minister solicit assistance appropriate Soviet authorities determine cause interference. Minister’s early attention this matter appreciated since interference such proportions as interfere seriously with operation American stations.”

Amplification Embassy’s thoughts on further approach to Soviets with copy of note by airpouch.

  1. Not printed. Because of continued deliberate jamming of Voice of America Russian language program to the Far East, the Embassy was directed to file a formal protest with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, pointing out that the Department of State could not accept a Soviet denial of the use of specified frequencies because accumulated technical evidence clearly demonstrated that the interference originated within the Soviet Union. (811.42700(R)/4–1348)
  2. This was the Embassy’s note No. 257 of April 30, 1948.