800.00B Communist International/4–2248: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State


752. Lull in Soviet press political comment past two weeks indicate Soviet propaganda machine possibly in process shift of gears. Information from Paris re new Moscow directive to Central Committee French CP calling for non-violent line in West Europe and increased activity Germany and Near East in order prevent construction powerful US war machine may indicate direction and purpose this impending shift (Embdes 315, April 1), and apparently supported by Togliatti’s1 statement on Italian elections.

If correct, this new application of classical Leninist tactical retreat seems first substantial concrete result our firm policy during past year, and our success, if confirmed, will bring with it the added danger that Congress and public may be lulled into erroneous belief that battle is won and we can relax and reap the fruits of victory. Unnecessary to remind Department that if Kremlin temporarily assumes defensive, it is more important than ever to follow through vigorously by building up our own strength since only if kept off balance can Soviets be forced into further retreat. But, it is vital that the public be constantly reminded.

Hence while pushing ahead vigorously on present line of action, we should at same time expose Soviet tactics by reminding public of many previous examples of Soviet deceptive soothing maneuvers which caused Soviet adversaries to be less vigilant and permitted Kremlin to regroup its forces for further aggression. We might well be guided by Stalin’s own advice (to CC of CPSU in 1929): “It is not for nothing that the proverb says ‘an obliging bear is more dangerous than an enemy.’”

Sent Department 752. Department pass Paris 105; Rome 27; London 48; Belgrade 22.

  1. Palmiro Togliatti, leader of the Communist Party in Italy.