859.79660C/7–1448: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Denmark


445. Reurtel 657, July 121 concerning report Poles have proposed Danish and Polish airlines operate once weekly between Warsaw and Copenhagen, suggest Emb in its discretion inform Danes US exceedingly interested and somewhat concerned re reported indication Polish airlines interested in operating to Copenhagen and would appreciate it, if report is true, if Danes would afford US opportunity express its views this subject prior to replying Polish proposal.

For Emb info only, successful implementation new US aviation policy vis-à-vis USSR and satellites will in all probability require us to seek informal assurance from Danish Government they will deny access satellite air carriers to Danish territory, provided US agrees to take similar action. Text new policy being air mailed Emb and other missions concerned with instructions not be discussed outside of Emb pending further Dept instructions. Dept does not contemplate transmitting instructions to approach Danes re Common Front policy of containing USSR and its satellites until discussions with Brit, whose support of new US policy deemed vital to its success, and which are scheduled take place next few days in Lon, are complete. Nevertheless, Dept desires some indication be given Danes, without disclosing nature new US policy, of US desire discuss proposed exchange air rights with Poles before any such agreement finalized.2

Sent Copenhagen as 445, rptd Bern as 972, London as 2715, Berlin as 1241, and Warsaw as 433.

  1. Not printed.
  2. In subsequent instructions transmitted in telegram 475, July 21, to Copenhagen, not printed, the Department concurred in a suggestion made by the Embassy that the Danish Government be requested to utilize all available stalling tactics to delay a reply to the Polish Government’s formal request for aviation rights over Danish territory (859.79660C/7–1648).