740.00119 Council/3–548: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State


896. Delsec 1617. Eleventh meeting German problems afternoon March 5 continued discuss draft communiqué. This was time-consuming task involving considerable redrafting. Paper was referred back to committee and will be given final review at last meeting prior to recess tomorrow morning March 6. USDel plans urge release to press be delayed until evening (London time) March 6. Text will be telegraphed Department and Berlin soon as approved around noon (London time).1

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Besides communiqué, but also in connection with it, meeting considered Benelux objection to informal reply to their request to be consulted in Germany (see third point proposed reply Delsec 1599 March 22). Van Verduynen was most insistent, but US and UK delegates unable agree to any language implying consultation in Germany. It was agreed this part of reply to Benelux questions would not be mentioned in communiqué; Benelux representatives could give any explanations they wished to press if questions asked and could broach subject again when discussions resumed in April.

Working party’s second Ruhr report then discussed and approved with minor amendments (this subject separate telegram).3

Douglas stressed desirability clear understanding that all agreements reached were recommendations to governments which did not commit governments. This was agreed.

Sent Department 896; repeated Berlin 51, Paris 92, Moscow 44, Hague 26, Brussels 38 (please keep Luxembourg informed), Oslo 20, Copenhagen 22, Stockholm 28, Rome 43.

  1. For the text of the Conference Communiqué as released to the press on March 6, see p. 141.
  2. Ante, p. 114. For the text of the agreed, reply to the Benelux representatives, see document TRI/10, March 6, p. 144.
  3. For the text of the approved report by the Working Party on the Ruhr, see document TRI/7 (Final), March 5, infra.