List of Persons
Editor’s Note: The identification of the persons in this list is generally limited to circumstances and positions under reference in this volume. Historical personages alluded to in the volume and certain minor officials are not identified here. All titles and positions are American unless there is an indication to the contrary. A dagger (†) indicates participation in the London Conference on Germany, either at the first part, February 23–March 6 or at the resumed session, April 20–June 1. An asterisk (*) indicates participation in the London Conferences on the Ruhr, November–December. A double dagger (‡) indicates participation in the meetings of the Deputies for Austria of the Council of Foreign Ministers.
- Achilles, Theodore C., Chief, Division of Western European Affairs, Department of State
- Acker, Heinrich, Deputy Mayor (Buergermeister) of Berlin; member of Socialist Unity Party
- Adams, Ware, member, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- Adcock, Clarence L., United States Chairman, Bipartite (U.S.–U.K.) Control Office
- Adenauer, Dr. Konrad, Chairman of the Christian Democratic Union (GDU) in the British Zone of Occupation of Germany; President of the Parliamentary Council
- †* Alphand, Hervé, Director General for Economic Affairs, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Altenberger, Erwin, Austrian Minister without Portfolio
- Altmeier, Peter, Minister President, Rheinland-Pfalz
- Anderson, Clinton P., Secretary of Agriculture, until May 1948
- Andronikof, Constantin, official translator, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Appelt, Rudolf, Vice President of the German Central Administration for Inter-Zonal and Foreign Trade
- Armour, Norman, Assistant of Secretary of State for Political Affairs, until July 1948
- Arnold, Karl, Minister President of North Rhine Westphalia; leader in the Christian Democratic Union
- Auriol, Vincent, President of the French Republic
- Austin, Warren R., United States Representative at the United Nations
- Babcock, Col. William, United States Deputy Commandant for Berlin
- Bapst, Brigadier General Charles, Deputy Chief of the French Group, Control Council, Allied Control Authority for Germany
- Baruch, Herman B., United States Ambassador in the Netherlands
- Barnes, Ernest J. W., Second Secretary, British Embassy in the United States
- Baudet, Philippe, French Minister Counselor in the United Kingdom
- Baumis, Frank J., member of the Cabinet Technical Mission on Reparations
- Beam, Jacob D., Chief, Division of Central European Affairs, Department of State
- Beattie, Edward W., Special Advisor, Headquarters United States Forces in Austria
- Beaulieu , See Leroy Beaulieu, Paul
- Bech, Joseph, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg
- Becker, Dr. Max, member of the Hesse Landtag; Chairman of the Electoral Law Committee of the Parliamentary Council; member of the LDP
- Bennett, Jack, Finance Adviser, Office of Military Government (United States Zone)
- Bérard, Armand, Minister Counselor, French Embassy in the United States
- Béthouart, Lieutenant General M. E., French High Commissioner in Austria
- Bevin, Ernest, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
- Bidault, Georges, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, until July 1948
- Bischoff, Norbert, Austrian Political Representative in the Soviet Union
- Bissell, Major General Clayton L., Military Attaché and Military Air Attaché at the United States Embassy in the United Kingdom
- Blaisdell, Thomas C., Jr., Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Foreign and Domestic Commerce
- Blum, Leon, leader of the French Socialist Party; former Prime Minister, 1936–1937, 1938, December 1946–January 1947
- Boch, Lorenz, State President of Wuerrtemberg-Hohenzollern (died August 3, 1948)
- Boehm, Dr. Johann, President, Austrian Trade Union Federation
- Bohlen, Charles E., Counselor of the Department of State
- † Bolton, Kenyon C., Division of International Conferences, Department of State
- Bonbright, James C. H., Counselor of the United States Embassy in France
- Bonnefous, Edouard, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly; member of the Union democratique et socialiste de la résistance
- Bonnet, Henri, French Ambassador in the United States
- Bourbon-Busset, Jacques de, Deputy Chief, Division of Southern Europe, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Boyer de Fonscolombe, André, Attaché, French Embassy in the Soviet Union
- Bradley, General Omar N., Chief of Staff, United States Army
- Bramuglia, Juan Atilio, Acting President of the United Nations Security Council, Third Session, Paris
- Brannan, Charles F., Secretary of Agriculture
- Brauer, Max, Oberbuergermeister of Hamburg; member of the Foreign Policy Committee of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD)
- Bridges, Styles, Senator from New Hampshire; Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee
- Brill, Hermann Louis, State Secretary of the Hesse State Ministry and Chief of the State Chancellery
- * Brown, Benjamin H., Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- Browne, Mallory, Counselor, United States Embassy in the United Kingdom
- Brownjohn, Major General N.C.D., Chief of Staff and Deputy Military Governor, Control Commission for Germany (British Element); U.K. member on the Committee on Allied Controls
- Bruce, Howard, Deputy Administrator, Economic Cooperation Administration
- Bruins, John H., Counselor of the United States Embassy in Czechoslovakia
- Budd, Ralph, President, Burlington Rock Island Railroad
- Butler, George, member, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- Cadogan, Sir Alexander, British Representative to the United Nations Security Council
- Caffery, Jefferson, United States Ambassador in France
- Carbonnel, Eric de, Deputy Director, Office of Economic and Financial Affairs, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, until March 1948
- Carter, Marshall S., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
- Chamberlin, Lieutenant General Stephen J., Director of Intelligence, General Staff, U.S. Army
- Chapman, Oscar L., Under Secretary of the Interior
- Chaput de Saintonge, R. A., British Military Government in Germany; U.K. member on the Tripartite Committee on the Occupation Statute
- Chase, Warren M., on the staff of the United States Political Adviser for Germany
- Chataigneau, Yves Jean Joseph, French Ambassador in the Soviet Union
- Chauvel, Jean, Secretary General of the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- ‡ Cherrière, Major General Paul, French Deputy High Commissioner in Austria and Representative to the Austrian Treaty Negotiations
- Churchill, Winston, former British Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, 1940–1945; leader of the British Conservative Party
- Clappier, Bernard, Director of the Cabinet, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- †* Clasen, André, Luxembourg Minister in the United Kingdom
- † Clay, General Lucius Dubignon, United States Military Governor for Germany and Commander-in-Chief, European Command
- Collins, General Joseph Lawton, Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
- Collisson, Captain Norman H., Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Interior; member of the Working Group on Reparations; Chairman of the Cabinet Technical Mission on Reparations; E.C.A. Representative in Western Germany from September 1948
- Conklin, William G., Division of Western European Affairs, Department of State
- † Couve de Murville, Maurice, Director General for Political Affairs, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Cullis, M. F., Head of the Austrian Section, German Political Department, British Foreign Office
- Dahrendorf, Gustav, Vice President of the Economic Council in the U.S.–U.K. zones of occupation of Germany
- Daspit, Alexander B., United States Deputy Delegate to the Inter-Allied Reparation Agency; Delegate from October 8, 1948
- Davies, John Paton, Jr., member, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- † Dean, Patrick H., Head of the German Political Department, British Foreign Office
- De Gasperi, Alcide, Italian Prime Minister
- de Gaulle, Major General Charles, leader of the Rassemblement du peuple français; former President of the French Provisional Government, 1944–1946
- Deutsch, General Julius, Socialist Party, Military Representative of the Austrian Socialist Party on the Bipartite Committee for future Austrian Army
- deWilde, John C., Associate Chief, Division of Occupied Areas Economic Affairs, Department of State
- Dhur, Lieutenant, on the staff of the Luxembourg Military Mission in Germany
- Diedrichs, Dr. Georg, member of the Lower Saxony Landtag; delegate to the Parliamentary Council; member of the SPD
- Dorr, Russell H., United States Delegate to the Inter-Allied Reparation Agency, with the rank of Minister to October 7, 1948
- †* Douglas, Lewis W., United States Ambassador in the United Kingdom
- Draper, William H., Jr., Under Secretary of the Army
- Dratvin, Lieutenant General Mikhail Ivanovich, Deputy Commander in Chief, Soviet Military Administration for Germany
- Dulles, John Foster, Republican Party expert on international affairs; member of the United States delegation to United Nations meetings
- Dunn, James C., Ambassador in Italy
- Eaton, Charles A., Representative from New Jersey; Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and House Select Committee on Foreign Aid
- Edelstein, Commander Julius C. C., Acting Special Adviser to the Secretary of State on Reparations, February to June 1948; Executive Secretary of the Working Group of the Cabinet Committee on Reparations
- Eden, Anthony, leader of the British Conservative Party; former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1941–1945
- Ehard, Dr. Hans, Minister President of Bavaria; leader in the Christian Socialist Union
- Ehlert, Margarete, Berlin City Councillor (Stadtrat), member of Christian Democratic Union
- Eichler, Willy, member from North Rhine-Westphalia of the Executive Committee of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD)
- Elbrick, C. Burke, Assistant Chief, Division of Eastern European Affairs, Department of State
- ‡ Erhardt, John G., United States Minister in Austria
- Erofeev , see Yerofeyev, Vladimir Yakovlevich
- Evatt, Herbert V., Australian Minister for External Affairs; President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, Third Session, Paris
- Falck, Edward, consulting engineer; member of the Cabinet Technical Mission on Reparations
- Feller, Abraham H., General Counsel and Director, Legal Department, U.N. Secretariat
- Fierlinger, Zdenek, member, Executive Commission, Czechoslovak Social Democrat Party
- Figl, Leopold, Austrian Chancellor, leader of the People’s Party
- Fllippi, Jean, Director General of Economy and Finance, Military Government of the French Zone of Occupation in Germany
- Finletter, Thomas K., Minister, Chief of the Mission for Economic Cooperation Administration at the Embassy in London
- Fischer, Ernst, member, Executive Committee, Austrian Communist Party
- Forest, Alexander, Chief, Secretariat Branch, Civil Administration Division, OMGUS
- Forrestal, James V., Secretary of Defense
- François-Poncet, André, Special Representative for German Affairs of the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, from November 1948
- Franks, Sir Oliver S., British Ambassador in the United States, from May 1948
- Friedensburg, Dr. Ferdinand, Deputy Mayor (Buergermeister) of Berlin; leader of the Christian Democratic Union in Berlin
- Friedrich, Carl J., Governmental Affairs Adviser, Office of Military Government (U.S.)
- Fulbright, J. William, Senator from Arkansas; member of the Banking and Currency and Judiciary Committees
- Gallman, Waldemar J., Counselor of the United States Embassy in the United Kingdom, until July 1948; from July 1948, Ambassador in Poland
- Galloway, Lt. Gen. Alexander, British High Commissioner in Austria
- Ganeval, Brigadier General Jean, French Commandant for Berlin
- Gannett, Michael R., Second Secretary United States Legation in Austria
- Gantenbein, James W., Foreign Service officer, Office of the United States Political Adviser for Germany
- Geier, Frederick V., President, Cincinnati Milling Machine Company; member of the E.C.A. Industrial Advisory Committee
- * Gerard, Olivier, Belgian Acting Deputy Director General for External Trade
- Giesl-Gieslingen, Adolf, Counselor of Austrian Federal Ministry of Commerce and Reconstruction
- Ginsburg, Charles David, U.S. Deputy Representative to the Austrian Treaty Commission in 1947
- † Goethals, Lieutenant General Georges, Chief of the Belgian Military Mission in Germany
- Graf, Ferdinand, Austrian State Secretary and Secretary General of the People’s Party
- Graf, Julius, Chief Engineer, Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation; member of the Cabinet Technical Mission on Reparations
- Gregory, Sir Henry, Administrator of Enemy Property, British Board of Trade
- Griffis, Stanton, United States Ambassador in Poland, July 1947–June 1948
- * Gros, André, Legal Adviser, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- † Gruben, Baron Hervé de, Secretary General of the Belgian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Gruber, Dr. Karl, Austrian Foreign Minister
- Guiringaud, Louis de, First Secretary, French Embassy in the United Kingdom
- Guillaume, Baron Jules, Belgian Ambassador in France
- Gurney, Chan, Senator from South Dakota; Chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee
- Haas, Dr. Friedrich, Berlin City Councillor (Stadtrat), Director, Finance Department, Berlin Magistrat
- † Hall-Patch, Sir Edmund Leo, Deputy Under-Secretary of State, British Foreign Office, May 1946–April 1948; from April 1948, Permanent United Kingdom Representative on the Organization for European Economic Cooperation
- * Hannaman, Forrest G., Special Assistant for Policy Coordination, OMGUS: Adviser, U.S. Delegation, London Conference on the Ruhr
- Harriman, W. Averell, Secretary of Commerce until April 22, 1948; from April 26, 1948, United States Special Representative in Europe for the Economic Cooperation Administration, with the rank of Ambassador
- Harris, David, Professor of History at Stanford University; former Assistant Chief, Division of Central European Affairs, Department of State (in 1947); U.S. Representative on the Six-Power Working Party on Provisional Adjustment of the Western Frontier of Germany, July–September 1948
- Harrison, G. W., British Minister in the Soviet Union
- Harvey, Sir Oliver Charles, British Ambassador in France
- Haviland, Dennis W. G. L., Head of the German General Economic Department British Foreign Office
- Hayden, Carl, U.S. Senator from Arizona
- Hays, Major General George P., Commanding General, OMGUS, and Deputy United States Military Governor for Germany
- Heine, Fritz, member of the Executive Committee, Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)
- * Heisbourg, Georges, Secretary, Luxembourg Legation in the United Kingdom
- Helmer, Oscar, Austrian Minister of Interior
- Hemmendinger, Noel, Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas
- Henderson , Lord (William Watson Henderson), Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, British Foreign Office
- Henderson, Loy W., Director, Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs, Department of State
- Hendrick, James P., Special Assistant to the Deputy Administrator, Economic Cooperation Administration (Bruce); Executive Secretary of the E.C.A. Industrial Advisory Committee
- Herbert, Major General E. O., British Commandant for Berlin
- Herz, Martin F., Third Secretary of the United States Legation in Austria
- Hickerson, John D., Director, Office of European Affairs, Department of State
- Hilliard, Charles C., Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas
- Hirschfeld, H. M., Commissioner for German Affairs, Netherlands Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Hodges, Major General James P., Director, Armed Forces Division, OMGUS: U.S. member of the Military Security Board
- Hoepker-Aschoff, Dr. Hermann, representative of the Free Democratic Party in the Parliamentary Council
- Hoffman, Paul, Administrator, Economic Cooperation Administration
- Holmes, Julius C., Counselor of the United States Embassy in the United Kingdom
- * Holvoet, Amaury, First Secretary, Belgian Embassy in the United Kingdom
- Howley, Colonel Frank, United States Commandant for Berlin
- Humelsine, Carlisle H., Director, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
- Humphrey, Donald D., Deputy Economic Adviser to the U.S. Military Governor for Germany
- Humphrey, George M., President, M. A. Hanna Company; Chairman, Industrial Advisory Committee to the E.C.A.
- Igler, Hans, Member Austrian Federal Ministry of Property Control and Economic Planning
- Inverchapel , Lord (Archibald John Kerr Clark Kerr), British Ambassador in the United States until May 1948
- * Jackson, Wayne G., Special Assistant to the Director, Office of European Affairs, Department of State
- Jamieson, Kenneth D., German Political Department, British Foreign Office
- Jessup, Phillip, Deputy United States Representative to the United Nations Security Council and United States Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly, Third Regular Session, Paris, with the rank of Ambassador
- Kaisen, Wilhelm, President of the Senate, Bremen; member of the Executive Committee of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)
- Keith, Gerald, Counselor of the United States Embassy in the United Kingdom
- Kennan, George F., Director, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- ‡ Keyes, Lieutenant General Geoffrey, United States High Commissioner in Austria
- Kirk, Admiral Alan G., United States Ambassador in Belgium
- Kirkpatrick, Sir Ivone, Assistant Secretary of State, British Foreign Office, August 1948–April 1948; Deputy Under-Secretary of State from April 1948; Superintending Under-Secretary of the German Educational, Internal, and Political Departments and of the Western Department
- ‡ Kiselev, Evgeniy Dmitriyevich, Political Adviser to the Soviet High Commissioner for Austria; Soviet Political Representative in Austria
- Kiridus, Franz, Austrian Police official
- Kleinwaechter, Dr. Ludwig, Austrian Minister in the United States
- Klingelhoefer, Gustav, Berlin City Councillor (Stadtrat); leader in the SPD
- Knapp, Joseph B., Director, Office of Financial and Development Policy, Department of State
- Koenig, General of Army Pierre, French Commander-in-Chief for Germany; French member of the Allied Control Council for Germany
- Koehler, Erich, President of the Economic Council (Wirtschaftsrats) of the U.S.–U.K. Zones of Occupation of Germany
- Kohler, Foy D., Counselor of the Embassy in the Soviet Union
- Kohnstamm, M., Deputy Administration Commissioner for German Affairs, Netherlands Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- ‡ Koktomov, Nikolai Petrovich, Counselor, Soviet Embassy in the United Kingdom
- Kolarov, Vasil, Bulgarian Minister for Foreign Affairs; member of the Politburo of the Bulgarian Communist Party
- Kopf, Hinrich Wilhelm, Minister President of Lower Saxony
- Koptelov, Mikhail Efremovich, Deputy Political Adviser to the Soviet High Commissioner in Austria
- Kosanović, Sava N., Yugoslav Ambassador in the United States
- Kotikov, Major General Alexander G., Soviet Commandant for Berlin; Soviet member on Allied Kommandatura for Berlin
- Kroll, Dr. Gerhard, Landrat in Staffelstein (Upper Franconia); member of the Bavarian Landtag; delegate to the Parliamentary Council; member of the CSU
- Krug, Julius A., Secretary of the Interior
- Kurasov, Colonel General Vladimir Vasilyevich, Soviet High Commissioner in Austria and Commander in Chief, Soviet Forces in Austria
- Laboulaye , see Lefebvre de Laboulaye, François
- La Follette, Robert M., Jr., Senator from Wisconsin, 1925—1947
- Laloy, Jean, French Commissariat for German and Austrian Affairs
- Lausmann, Bohumil, leader in the Czechoslovak Social Democratic Party
- Lefebvre de Laboulaye, François, French General Commissariat for German and Austrian Affairs
- Le May, Lieutenant General Curtis, Commanding General, United States Air Force in Europe
- Leonard, Major General John W., Military Attaché at the United States Embassy in the United Kingdom
- Leopold, Rudolf, Head of the Austrian Aid Office
- * Leroy Beaulieu, Paul, Economic and Financial Adviser, French High Command in Germany
- †‡ Leusse, Pierre de, Chief, German-Austrian Section, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Lewis, Geoffrey W., Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas
- Lie, Trygve Halvdan, Secretary-General of the United Nations
- Liebitzky, General Emil, People’s Party Military Representative on Bipartite Committee for future Austrian Army
- † Lightneb, Edwin Allan, Jr., Associate Chief, Division of Central European Affairs, Department of State
- Linebaugh, John David, Attaché, United States Embassy in the United Kingdom
- † Litchfield, Edward, Director, Civil Administration Division, Office of Military Government for Germany (U.S.)
- Loridan, Walter, Assistant Secretary General of the Belgian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Lovett, Robert A., Under Secretary of State
- ‡ Luc, Robert, First Secretary, French Embassy in the United Kingdom
- Lucas, Scott W., Senator from Illinois; member of the Agriculture and Forestry and Finance Committees
- Ludwig, Edward, Chairman, Austrian Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs
- Luebbe, Erich, Berlin City Councillor (Stadtrat); member of Socialist Unity Party
- Luedemann, Hermann, Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein; leader in the German Social Democratic Party (SPD)
- Lukyanchenko, Lieutenant General G. S., Chief of Staff, Soviet Military Administration in Germany
- Lunghi, H. A., Third Secretary, British Embassy in the Soviet Union
- * Luns, Joseph M. A. H., First Secretary, Netherlands Embassy in the United Kingdom
- Macready, Sir Gordon, British Chairman, Bipartite (U.S.–U.K.) Control Office; Director, Frankfurt Headquarters, British Military Government Organization
- Maier, Dr. Reinhold, Minister President of Wuerttemberg-Baden
- Makins, Roger M., Assistant Under-Secretary of State, British Foreign Office, February 1947–April 1948; Deputy Under-Secretary of State from April 1948; Superintending Under-Secretary of the Economic Intelligence and General Departments
- Marek, Anton, Chief Police Inspector, Austrian Ministry of Interior
- * Margolies, Daniel F., Acting Chief, Central European Branch, Division of Investment and Economic Development, Department of State; Adviser, U. S. Delegation, London Conference on the Ruhr
- *‡ Marjoribanks, James A. M., Assistant Head, German Political Department, British Foreign Office
- Marie, Andre, French Prime Minister, July–September 1948; Minister of Justice, January 1947–July 1948; leader in the French Radical Party
- Markgraf, Paul, Berlin Police President until July 1948
- Maron, Karl, Chairman, S. E. D. group in the Berlin City Assembly
- Marshall, George C., Secretary of State
- † Martin, Edwin M., Acting Chief, Division of Occupied Areas Economic Affairs, Department of State
- † Massigli, René, French Ambassador in the United Kingdom
- Mather, Major Walter E., Office of Secretary General of OMGUS; United States Secretary, Bipartite (U.S.–U.K.) Secretariat
- Mayer, René, French Minister of Finance from November 1947, to July 1948; from July 1948, Minister of Defence; member of French Radical Party
- McCaffrey, John L., President, International Harvester Co.; member of the Industrial Advisory Committee, E. C. A.
- McDermott, Michael J., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State (Press Relations)
- McNarney, General Joseph R., United States Member of the Allied Control Council for Germany, 1945–1947
- McNeil, Hector, British Minister of State; Representative to the United Nations General Assembly
- Manzel, Dr. Walter, Minister of the Interior in North Rhine-Westphalia; leader in the German Social Democratic Party; representative in the Parliamentary Council
- * Merode, Prince Werner de, Second Secretary, Belgian Embassy in the United Kingdom
- † Michiels van Verduynen , Jonkeer Edgar, Netherlands Ambassador in the United Kingdom
- Migsch, Dr. Alfred, Austrian Minister of Power
- Millard, Hugh, Counselor of the United States Embassy in Belgium
- Moch, Jules, French Minister of Interior from November 1947 to February 1950; a leader in the French Socialist Party
- Modzelewski, Zygmunt, Polish Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union
- Mueller, Gebhard, Minister President of Wuerttemberg-Hohenzollern, from August 1948
- Mueller, Dr. Josef, Deputy Minister President of Bavaria; Chairman of the Christian Social Union
- † Murphy, Robert D., United States Political Adviser for Germany, with the rank of Ambassador
- Murville , See Couve de Murville
- Myers, Robert, technical consultant to the Cabinet Technical Mission on Reparations
- * Nelson, Saul, Economic Cooperation Administration
- Neumann, Franz, member from Berlin of the Executive Committee of the German (Social Democratic Party (SPD)
- Nicholas, Harry I., stockbroker; Economic Adviser to U.S. Representative (Harris) on the Six-Power Working Party on Provisional Adjustment of the Western Frontier of Germany, July–September 1948
- †* Nicholls, John W., Head of the German Commercial Relations and Industry Department, British Foreign Office
- Nitze, Paul H., Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
- Noblet d’Anglure, Jean de, French General Commissariat for German and Austrian Affairs
- Noce, Major General Daniel, Chief, Civil Affairs Division, Special Staff, U.S. Army
- Noiret, Lieutenant General Roger, Chief of the French Group, Control Council for Germany; French Representative on the Coordinating Committee of the Allied Control Authority for Germany
- †* Obert de Thieusies , Vicomte Alain, Belgian Ambassador in the United Kingdom
- Oechsner, Frederick C., Adviser to the Director, Office of Information and Educational Exchange, Department of State
- Oliver, Covey T., Acting Chief, Division of Economic Property Policy, Department of State
- Ollenhauer, Erich, First Deputy Chairman, Executive Committee, German Social Democratic Party (SPD)
- †* Oppenheimer, Fritz E., Special Assistant to the Legal Adviser, Department of State, until July 1948; Consultant to the Department of State, November–December 1948
- Ottillinger, Margarethe, Chief of Planning Sections, Austrian Ministry of Property Control and Economic Planning
- Panafieu, François de, Chief, Division of Technical Agreements, Office of Economic and Financial Affairs, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Panuch, J. Anthony, Special Adviser to General Clay
- Panyushkin, Alexander Semyonovich, Soviet Ambassador in the United States
- † Paris, Jacques-Camille, Director of European Political Affairs, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- * Parisot, Georges Louis, Adviser, French Ministry of Industry and Commerce
- Parker, Lieutenant Colonel Theodore W., Plans and Operations Division, General Staff, U.S. Army; on temporary duty in London, February–March 1948
- Parodi, Alexandre, French Representative to the United Nations Security Council
- Pauley, Edwin W., Special Adviser to the Secretary of State on Reparations
- Pavlov, Vladimir Nikolayevich, Counselor of the Soviet Embassy in the United Kingdom
- Pearson, Lester B., Canadian Alternate Representative to the United Nations Security Council
- Penson, Hubert, Adviser on German Affairs, British Embassy in the United States
- * Perrineau, Georges, Director of Mines, French Ministry of Industry and Commerce
- Peterson, Sir Maurice Drummond, British Ambassador in the Soviet Union
- Pfeiffer, Anton, Chief of the Bavarian State Chancellory; leader in the Christian Social Union (CSU)
- Philip, André, Socialist party delegate in French National Assembly
- Prawin, Major General Jakub, Chief, Polish Military Mission in Germany
- Price, Gwilym A., President, Westinghouse Electric Corporation; member of the E.C.A. Industrial Advisory Committee
- Raab, Julius, People’s Party Whip in Austrian Parliament
- Rawlings, Thomas, Department of State representative on the Cabinet Technical Committee (for Reparations)
- †‡ Reber, Samuel, Deputy Director, Office of European Affairs, Department of State
- Reimann, Max, Chairman of the German Communist Party (KPD) in the Western Zones of Germany; delegate to the Bonn Parliamentary Council
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, Chief, Division of Eastern European Affairs, Department of State
- Reinstein, Jacques J., Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
- Renner, Dr. Karl, President of the Republic of Austria
- Reuter, Dr. Ernst, leader of the German Social Democratic Party and member of the Berlin Magistrat
- Reynaud, Paul, leader of the French Republican Independent Party; delegate to the National Assembly and former Prime Minister (1940)
- † Riddleberger, James W., Counselor of the Mission of the United States Political Adviser for Germany at Berlin; Director of the Office of Political Affairs, Office of Military Government for Germany (OMGUS)
- Roberts, Frank, Counselor of the British Embassy in Moscow, 1945–1947; Private Secretary to Foreign Secretary Bevin, 1948
- † Robertson, Sir Brian H., British Military Governor for Germany and Commander-in-Chief, Control Commission for Germany (British Element)
- Robinson, Hamlin, U.S. Deputy Delegate to the Inter-Allied Reparation Agency (from October 1948)
- Ross, Irving, with Economic Cooperation Administration in Austria
- Royall, Kenneth C., Secretary of the Army
- Rueff, Jacques, President, Inter-Allied Reparation Agency
- Rusk, Dean, Director, Office of United Nations Affairs, Department of State
- Sabatier, Maurice, Director General of Administrative Affairs, Military Government of the French Zone of Occupation in Germany
- Sagmeister, Otto, Austrian Minister of Food
- St. Hardouin , see Tarbé de Saint-Hardouin
- Saintonge , see Chaput de Saintonge
- * Salmon, Jean, Belgian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- † Saltzman, Charles E., Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas
- Sargent, Sir Orme, Permanent Under-Secretary of State, British Foreign Office
- Savage, Carlton, Secretary, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- Sawyer, Charles, Secretary of Commerce, from May 1948
- Schaerf, Dr. Adolf, Austrian Vice Chancellor
- Schlange-Schoeningen, Dr. Hans, Director of the Food and Agriculture Agency, Bizonal (U.S.-U.K.) Economic Administration
- Schmid, Carlo, Deputy Minister President and Minister of Justice in Wuerttemberg-Hohenzollern; Chairman of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Wuerttemberg-Hohenzollern; representative in the Parliamentary Council and Chairman of its Main Committee
- Schmidt, Waldemar Paul, Berlin City Councillor (Stadtrat); member of Socialist Unity Party
- Schneiter, Pierre, French Secretary of State, Commissioner General for German and Austrian Affairs
- Schoenfelder, Adolf, President of the Hamburg Buergerschaft; leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD); Vice President of the Bonn Parliamentary Council
- Schboeder, Frau Louise, Acting Oberbuergermeister of Berlin
- Schumacher, Dr. Kurt, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD)
- Schuman, Robert, French Prime Minister, November 1947–July 1948 and September 1948; Minister for Foreign Affairs from July 1948; leader in the Mouvement Républicain Populaire
- Searls, Fred, Jr., Adviser to the Department of Defense
- Seebohm, Dr. Hans Christoph, Minister of Labor, Reconstruction and Health in Lower Saxony; Deputy Chairman of the German Party; representative on the Parliamentary Council
- Semmler, Dr. Johannes, Director of the Economic Agency (or Department of Economics) in the U.S.–U.K. zones of occupation in Germany until March 1948
- † Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne, François, French General Commissariat for German and Austrian Affairs
- Seynaeve, Fernand, Minister in the Belgian Military Mission in Germany
- Sforza, Count Carlo, Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Silvercruys, Baron, Belgian Ambassador in the United States
- Simons, Dr. Hans, Chief, Governmental Structures Branch, Civil Affairs Division, OMGUS
- Smirnov, Andrey Andreyevich, Chief, Third European Division, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union
- Smith, Waiter Bedell, United States Ambassador in the Soviet Union
- Sobolev, Arkady Alexandrovich, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General in Charge of Security Council Affairs
- Sokolovsky , Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasiliy Danilovich, Chief of the Soviet Military Administration for Germany; Soviet Representative on the Allied Control Council for Germany
- ‡ Southam, Alexander W., Director, Economic Group, British Element, Allied Control Authority for Germany
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, Belgian Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Stalin, Generalissimo Iosif Vissarionovich, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union
- Stebbins, Henry E., First Secretary of the United States Embassy in the United Kingdom
- † Steel, Christopher E., Political Adviser to the British Commander in Chief in Germany and President of the Governmental Subcommission, Control Commission for Germany (British Element)
- Steelman, John R., Special Assistant to President Truman
- * Stevens, Roger B., Assistant Under-Secretary of State, British Foreign Office from March 1948; Superintending Under-Secretary of the German Commercial Relations and Industry Department, the German General Economic Department, and the German Supply Department
- Stock, Christian, Minister President of Hesse; member of the Central Committee of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD)
- † Strang, Sir William, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the German Section, British Foreign Office
- Suesterhenn, Dr. Adolf, Minister of Justice in Rhineland-Palatinate; member of the Christian Democratic Union; representative to the Parliamentary Council
- Suhr, Dr. Otto, Chairman of the Berlin City Assembly; member of the National Executive Committee of the German Social Democratic Party
- † Tarbé de Saint-Hardouin, Jacques, Political Adviser to the French Commander in Chief for Germany
- Tarchiani, Alberto, Italian Ambassador in the United States
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., Deputy Director, Office of European Affairs, Department of State
- Thorp, Willard Long, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
- Todd, Joseph A., Division of Occupied Areas Economic Affairs, Department of State; Department of State Representative on the Working Group on Reparations
- Tomkins, Edward E., Assistant Private Secretary to British Foreign Secretary Bevin
- * Trimble, William C., First Secretary of the United States Embassy in the United Kingdom
- Troyanovsky, Oleg Aleandrovich, Interpreter, Soviet Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Truman, Harry S., President of the United States, 1945–1953
- Tulpanov, Sergey I., Head of the Political Department of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany
- Uebeleis, Vinzenz, Austrian Minister of Communications
- Ulbricht, Walter, Deputy Chairman and member of the Politburo and Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party (SED)
- †* Valery, François, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Vandenberg, Arthur, United States Senator from Michigan; Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Voorhees, Tracy S., Assistant Secretary of the Army
- Voorst tot Voorst, Baron S. G. M. van, Political Adviser and Deputy Chief of the Netherlands Military Mission in Germany
- Verduynen , see Michiels van Verduynen
- * Vooys, J. G. de, Netherlands Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- Vorys, John M., Representative from Ohio; member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Select Committee on Foreign Aid
- Vyshinsky, Andrey Yanuaryevich, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union
- Waldbrunner, Karl, General Secretary, Austrian Socialist Party
- Wallner, Woodruff, Associate Chief, Division of Western European Affairs, Department of State, August 1947–July 1948; from July 1948, First Secretary and Counselor of the United States Embassy in France
- Wedemeyer, Lieutenant General Albert C., Director of Plans and Operations, General Staff, United States Army
- † Wehrer, Colonel Albert, Chief of the Luxembourg Military Mission in Germany
- Weir, Sir Cecil, President of the Economic Subcommission, British Military Government for Germany
- West, Robert R., Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army
- Westropp, Major General V. J. E., Deputy Chief of Staff, Control Commission for Germany (British Element)
- Whitham, Gilbert S., Director, Reparations, Deliveries, and Restitution Division, Control Commission for Germany (British Element)
- Wierblowski, Stefan, Secretary General of the Polish Ministry for Foreign Affairs from March 1948
- Wilds, Walter, Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas
- † Wilkinson, Lawrence, Economic Adviser, Office of Military Government for Germany (United States Zone)
- Williamson, Francis T., Assistant Chief, Division Central European Affairs, Department of State
- Wilson, Charles E., President, General Motors Corporation; member of the E.C.A. Industrial Advisory Committee
- Winant, John G., Ambassador in the United Kingdom, 1941–1946
- Wintewicz, Jozef, Polish Ambassador in the United States
- Winterton, Major General T. S. W., British Deputy Commissioner in Austria
- † Wisner, Frank G., Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas
- Wohleb, Leo, Minister President, South Baden
- Wolf, George W., President, United States Steel Export Corporation; head of the Wolf Mission on German steel industry, May–June 1948; Adviser to the E.C.A. Industrial Advisory Committee, October–December 1948
- Yelisarov, Colonel A. I., Soviet Deputy Commandant for Berlin
- Yerofeyev, Vladimir Yakovlevich, Deputy Chief of the Second European Division, Soviet Foreign Ministry
- Yost, Charles W., Counselor of the United States Legation in Austria
- Zarubin, Georgiy Nikolayevich, Soviet Ambassador in the United Kingdom
- Zheltov, Colonel General Alexey Sergeyevich, Soviet Deputy High Commissioner in Austria
- Zhukov , Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgiy Konstantinovich, Chief of Soviet Military Administration for Germany, July 1945–March 1946
- Zinn, Georg August, Minister of Justice in Hesse; German Social Democratic Party member; representative in the Parliamentary Council
- Zorin, Valerian Alexandrovich, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union