740.0011EW(Peace)/2–548: Telegram

The Minister in Austria (Erhardt) to the Secretary of State


131. Legation’s 130 February 5.1 Further pursuing question of possible Soviet motives in Austrian treaty proposals, one possibility to be anticipated, in case London negotiations bog down, is that Soviets may seek settlement on basis partition of Austria, either proposing such settlement themselves or more probably trying to create situation where it seems only practical solution.

Department will appreciate this specious compromise would in reality be major Soviet victory, since it would enable USSR to establish control over vital democratic stronghold of Vienna, communications and information center and traditional point of leadership in southeastern Europe. There is no real parallel with Germany as regards partition, since Austria has well established national government, legislature, and administration, and no Ruhr in western zones. Only apparent advantage for west in partition of Austria would be safeguarding Italian frontier and Alpine passes, and this result can be obtained without partition, either on present basis or through presence US troops Bavaria if all Allied forces are withdrawn Austria.

Sent Department 131; repeated Moscow 6.

  1. Supra.