740.00119 Council/4–2248: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers (Reber)
1430. Ausdel 19. For Reber. Delsec 1675.1 We agree AC should authorize organization and planning for Austrian army at early date in light possibility treaty may be concluded. Believe before matter raised in AC, US and UK must reach agreement on best course to follow and must approach French reps and Austrian Govt.
Concerned that if we agree to treaty, including 90 day provision in Art 33,2 Soviets may subsequently stall in AC on authorization to organize Austrian armed forces, leaving Austria incapable of protection against internal disorders, armed action by Communists, and Yugo encroachments when Allied troops withdraw. No assured safeguard seen unless four-power agreement that Allied troops will not be withdrawn until Austrian gendarmerie and armed forces proper are adequately equipped and in effective operation. Awkwardness recognized of proposing clause to this effect as part of Art 33 since Art already fully agreed. Under circumstances, suggest approach of separate protocol attached to treaty by which Allied and Associated powers would agree that Art 33, para 3,3 would not become effective if prior to the expiration of 90 days following the coming into force of treaty [Page 1367] the Austrian Govt should inform the Allied and Associated powers that the Austrian armed forces prescribed by the treaty were not adequately equipped and trained to perform their functions. In that case Allied troops would remain in Austria until the Austrian Govt should inform Allied Commanders that organization of Austrian armed forces was sufficiently advanced to permit effective performance recognized duties. Inasmuch as readiness of French to take initiative is indicated Delsec 1635,4 would they be prepared to advance proposal for such protocol which might meet more favorable reception by Soviets from them than from US or UK?
Sent London as 1430, Ausdel 19 for Reber; repeated Vienna as 372 for Keyes and Erhardt.