865.4016/1–1648: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
122. Regarding South Tyrol optants (Rome’s telegram 74, January 7 to Department repeated Vienna 3, Berlin 1, Frankfurt 1; my despatch 1098; September 23; Vienna’s despatch 3538 December 3 to Department and Vienna’s unnumbered note December 4 to USPolAd).1
[Page 1353]USPolAd’s reply to Rome’s 82 December 10 (repeated Department 398, Vienna 63)2 was postponed pending receipt Austrian note and discussion with MG officials here.
Opinion was expressed in discussion with MG authorities that Austrian Government should not concern itself with repatriation of South Tyrolean optants in Germany. OMGUS position is any such optants here desiring repatriation should individually and of own volition approach Italian representatives in Germany for permission to return to South Tyrol and should then apply to Combined Travel Board for exit permits from Germany.
Department’s views requested.
Reference sentence three paragraph 2 Rome’s telegram 74,3 Frankfurt office merely informed Italian representative there he was not advised regarding US view this point but would transmit Italian memo to USPolAd.
Sent Department 122, repeated Rome 4, Vienna 6.