865.014/1–748: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Italy


128. Urtel 73 Jan 7.2 Brit Emb has advised us continuing concern FonOff re negotiations revision draft Statute for Alto Adige. FonOff has studied text and considers does not cover adequately clauses Austro-Ital Agreement re economic development German-speaking element and exercise autonomous legislative and executive regional power. Brit fear failure correct deficiencies would cause rejection by even moderate elements with extremely unfortunate consequences.

While Dept in full agreement Brit re importance negotiations and most anxious satisfactory settlement be reached, we informed Brit you consider talks proceeding satisfactorily and that representations not necessary this juncture. We have assured Brit you will informally urge discretion on Ital Govt along lines already taken your Brit colleague shd you consider such action desirable during course present negotiations.

  1. Not printed.