
Memorandum of Conversation, by William G. Conklin of the Division of Western, European Affairs

Participants: Mr. Lovett, Under Secretary
Baron Silvercruys, Belgian Ambassador
Mr. Conklin, Division of Western European Affairs

The Belgian Ambassador called upon Mr. Lovett to leave with him a note1 again expressing the strong desire of the Belgian Government to be associated with any future discussions concerning the economic problems of Germany. As on previous occasions, the Belgian [Page 24] Ambassador emphasized the great importance to Belgium of a rehabilitation of the German economy and also, as heretofore, pointed out that Belgium as a result of its proximity to and long association with Germany was in a position, he felt, to offer practical advice and assistance in the solution of these problems.

The Ambassador referred specifically to discussions which he understood were to take place in the near future between representatives of the governments of the United States, Great Britain, and France and expressed his desire that Belgium be permitted to participate in these discussions. Mr. Lovett stated that he would inquire as to the status and location of the discussions referred to by the Ambassador.

The Belgian Ambassador inquired concerning the joint notes presented by his government and the governments of The Netherlands and Luxembourg to the Council of Foreign Ministers in London on November 26, 19472 to which, he stated, no replies had as yet been made. With respect to this point, Mr. Lovett also stated that he would ascertain the reasons why no replies had been made to the notes in question.

William G. Conklin
  1. The note under reference, dated January 12, is not printed. Similar notes from the Netherlands Embassy and the Luxembourg Legation were delivered to the Department of State on January 14. Those notes, neither of which is printed, are filed separately under 740.00119 Control (Germany)/1–1448 and 862.50/1–1448, respectively.
  2. Foreign Relations 1947, vol. ii, p. 774.