740.00119 Control (Germany)/1–1148: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State


69. Personal for Thompson. Eyes Only. Your 38 January 10.1 Prior receipt yourtel I discussed informally with Clay outline of Dept’s views indicated in preceding telegram.2 Clay was in accord and together we tentatively and informally discussed that line with Saint Hardouin and De Carbonnel yesterday.3

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I asked Clay whether he knew whether Dept of Army entertained different views and he replied that he thought not, stating that he saw no reason why at this stage after Secretary’s announcement regarding takeover in Germany July 1 Dept of Army should have any interest.4 He expressed opinion that possibly Draper may be laboring under some older consideration regarding effect Saar plan would have on appropriations.

We have also noted press reports regarding Bonnet’s so-called protest5 and Massigli’s representations to FO in London because French not consulted a priori about Frankfurt reorganization bizone. Saint Hardouin also referred yesterday to French regret. However here we have done our best to keep French informally advised and they realize that not having indicated desire to fuse their zone with ours that prior consultation not in any way obligated. They also recognize informally urgent need for improvement of economic situation western Germany continue if adverse political trends are to be avoided. Clay telegraphing his point of view regarding French dissatisfaction to Draper. As I see it the French dissatisfaction is rather of a formal nature and probably not of great importance. However, I would appreciate your reaction.

Clay thus far has not received advice from Army as suggested by your 38.

  1. Telegram 38, January 10, to Berlin, not printed, advised Murphy that the Department of the Army was instructing General Clay that in his coming conversations with the Kronen regarding the Saar question, he was to make no definitive agreements relative to the Saar pending the receipt of a policy cable which the Army hoped to send the following week (862.00/1–1048).
  2. Regarding telegram 34, January 9, to Berlin, under reference here, see footnote 1, p. 32.
  3. Telegram 13, January 7, from Frankfurt, not printed, reported that Saint Hardouin had called on Murphy and had expressed French eagerness to meet with American and British representatives in order to discuss the question of the Saar, currency and financial matters, and any other related German topics. Murphy undertook to organize such tripartite meetings. (862.00/1–748) In telegram 64, January 10, from Berlin, not printed, Murphy reported that the first informal meeting was held in Berlin on January 9. Discussions were centered on the question of the integration of the Saar into France. (740.00119 Control (Germany)/1–1048) This and subsequent informal tripartite meetings included Murphy and Wilkinson for the United States Steel and Weir for the British, and Carbonnel and Leroy Beaulieu representing France.
  4. Regarding the assumption by the Department of State from the Department of the Army of the responsibility for the administration of the United States zone of occupation in Germany, see the editorial note, p. 1285.
  5. The reference here is presumably to Bonnet’s note of January 11 to the Secretary of State; see footnote 2 to the Secretary of State’s note of January 17 to Bonnet, p. 34.