III. Establishment of the seat of the United Nations in the United States: matters related to the implementation of the Headquarters Agreement of 1947; the United States position regarding the general convention on privileges and immunities of the United Nations; the United States–United Nations Headquarters loan agreement 1

1. For previous documentation relating to these matters, see Foreign Relations, 1947, vol. i, pp. 22 ff.

[23] Memorandum by Mr. Richard W. Flournoy, Assistant Legal Adviser for Special Problems, to Mr. Belton O. Bryan, Assistant Legal Adviser

L/UNA Files: folder entitled “Privileges and Immunities”

[32] Minutes of Meeting of the Committee on Visa Problems

IO Files: Lot 55D323, Box 16515, “Privileges and Immunities”

[38] United States Delegation Position Paper

IO Files: US(P)/A/260

[39] United States Delegation Position Paper

IO Files: US(P)/A/331