USUN Files
United Nations Press Release M/373, Issued at Lake Success, New York, January 12, 1948
UN and US Representatives Reach Understanding on Procedure for Consultation on Accreditation of Correspondents to the United Nations
Representatives of the United States and the United Nations held discussions today on procedures of consultation under the Headquarters Agreement as it relates to representatives of the press, radio, films and other agencies of information.
The United States was represented by:
- Charles M. Hulten, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Administration
- Michael J. McDermott, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Press Relations
- Walter M. Kotschnig, Chief, Division of International Organization Affairs
- George S. Knight, Assistant to the Legal Advisor, Department of State
- Tom Power, Deputy Secretary-General, United States Mission to the United Nations
- Porter McKeever, Director of Information, United States. Mission to the United Nations
- P. A. Esperdy, Chief, Expulsion Section, New York District of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
- The United Nations was represented by:
- Tor Gjesdal, Principal Director of the Department of Public Information
- A. H. Feller, General Counsel and Principal Director of the Legal Department
- Hanna Saba, Director of the Division of Immunities and Registration of Treaties
- Wilder Foote, Director, Press and Publications Office
- George Barnes, Director of Press Relations
- Carol Crosswell, Legal Officer.
A general understanding was reached on the following system of consultation:
- 1.
- The United Nations will notify the United States of all applications for accreditation. The United States will, within a period of two weeks, notify the United Nations of any comments it cares to make on such applications. After due consideration of the views of the United States, the United Nations will decide on the accreditations in its discretion and notify the United States of its action. If the United Nations decides to grant accreditation, Article 4 of the Headquarters Agreement will apply.
- 2.
- The same procedure will apply to applications for renewal of accreditation and to any other changes in the status of representatives already accredited, except that during the period of consultation, the representative concerned will continue to enjoy the status of an accredited representative under the Headquarters Agreement.
- 3.
- The United Nations will notify the United States of all presently accredited representatives and these representatives will be recognized by the United States as coming under the terms of the Headquarters Agreement pending full establishment of the procedures of consultation on or before March 1, 1948.
Mr. Gjesdal, who acted as chairman of the meeting, expressed the appreciation of the United Nations at the spirit of cooperation and good-will of the United States representatives, and his pleasure at the good understanding arrived at.
Mr. Hulten expressed the desire of the United States of America to facilitate the full application of the Headquarters Agreement to [Page 41] representatives of the press, radio, film and other information agencies accredited to the United Nations.
Further discussions will be held to work out details of the system of consultation.