United States position regarding proposal for a General Assembly resolution appealing to the Great Powers to renew their efforts to compose their differences and establish a lasting peace
[41] The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
[Paris,] October 4, 1948—1 p. m.
501.BB/10–448: Telegram
[42] Memorandum of Conversation by Dr. Frank P. Corrigan of the United States Delegation Advisory Staff
[Paris,] October 18, 1948.
IO Files: US(P)/A/C.L/143
[44] Minutes of the Twentieth Meeting of the United States Delegation, Paris, Hotel d’Iéna, October 21, 1948, 9:15 a.m.
Paris, October 21, 1948, 9:15 a.m.
IO Files: US(P)A/A/M(Chr)/20
[45] The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Paris, October 21,
1948—5 p. m.
501.BB/10–2148: Telegram