845.00/10–547: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in India

us urgent

667. Convey substance following to Nehru (urtel 922 Oct 5): President and Acting Secy have considered GOI request and Air Dept studying technical problems involved. President and Acting Secy [Page 170] sympathetic but of opinion US could act only if request made jointly by GOI and GOP. Joint request should be accompanied by indication size and location refugee groups both Dominions in imminent danger and movable only by air, it being assumed two Govts will make every effort resume adequately protected rail and road movement refugees whose resettlement absolutely essential. However, this Govt would hesitate venture into undertaking this kind unless assured by two Govts that they would immediately establish intensive overall joint inter-Dominion program provide adequate protection minorities, prevent inflammatory statements, demonstrations and other incitements communal violence, and reduce displacement population.

If Nehru accepts suggestion GOIGOP approach, inform him US Emb Karachi will apprise GOP of US position. Cable GOI decision urgently Dept, Karachi and London.

For your info, preliminary informal discussions with Air Dept indicate provision US planes technically feasible. Planes obviously could not be placed disposal two Dominions but would have remain under operational control US commanding officer. We would make no charge for planes but would expect two Dominions supply gasoline, oil and maintenance facilities, and quarters, food and adequate protection for crews. Thinking here is that transport refugees from both Dominions would almost certainly be involved, and that situation affords opportunity not only render humanitarian service but also press two Govts to closer cooperation in solving mutual problems.

Following for Karachi Action

If Emb Delhi reports GOI agreeable joint request, you should inform Liaquat Ali Khan GOI has requested US military planes assist movement refugees, that US Govt could act on joint GOPGOI request only, and that if GOP wishes associate itself with GOI, this Govt will give resulting joint request sympathetic consideration, provided it is part overall inter-Dominion effort as indicated first para this tel.

For your background but not for disclosure GOP, GOI request related specifically movement some 50,000 non-Muslim refugees NWFP to Amritsar.

Following for London Action

Delhi’s 922 already repeated to you for info. Inform HMG of US position as outlined herein and state US Govt would welcome HMG views and comments and appreciate being informed whether HMG has been similarly approached. If so, ample scope parallel assistance probably exists.

Sent New Delhi; repeated Karachi 134 and London 4360.
