IO Files: US/A/402

Memorandum by Ambassador William Dawson of the United States Delegation Staff of Advisers


Candidacy of Argentina for Security Council

When I saw Aranha this afternoon with regard to another matter, he took occasion to bring up the question of Argentina’s candidacy for the Security Council. He said that Argentina has the backing of sixteen Latin American countries and of a number of non-American countries, including probably the Arab bloc. He gave me to understand that he considers Argentina’s chances excellent and that in his opinion we would do well to give its candidacy our blessing.

I have the distinct impression that Aranha is working actively for Argentina. Arce1 was, I believe, the first to speak in the Latin American caucus against Aranha’s withdrawal from the race for the General Assembly presidency, and Argentina is no doubt supporting Brazil for the Economic and Social Council.

Carias (Honduras)2 and Padilla Nervo (Mexico)3 have informed Ambassador Johnson that their respective Delegations are committed to support Argentina for the Security Council, and Carias referred to sentiment in Latin American circles in favor of Argentina, largely on the ground that it has had no important United Nations post thus far.

There seems good reason to believe that Argentina has strong Latin American backing and will probably emerge as the Latin American candidate for the Security Council when the group again holds a caucus. (The group has not met since it last got together to discuss Aranha’s candidacy for the General Assembly presidency). On the other hand, there are indications that Argentina’s candidacy may meet with considerable opposition in other quarters. It will presumably be opposed by the Slav bloc and perhaps by a number of Western European States. The United Kingdom and France are reportedly at best lukewarm towards Argentina.

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After a conference with Ambassador Johnson and Mr. Bohlen, it was decided to take no action today and to await further developments before indicating to the Latin American group or to Aranha that we will support any candidate upon whom the Latin American Delegations may agree.

We have thus far made no statement and given no indication concerning our own views as regards a Latin American candidate for the Security Council and in general we have been hesitant to initiate discussion of the matter, lest we be pressed for an expression of our views or lest whatever we say may be misconstrued. The only Latin American candidate prominently mentioned to us by Latin American Delegates as having their support or as being likely to be the Latin American choice is Argentina.

[Further discussion follows.]

  1. Dr. José Arce, Permanent Representative of Argentina at the United Nations and Head of the Argentinian Delegation to the General Assembly.
  2. Dr. Tiburcio Carias, Chairman of the Honduran Delegation to the General Assembly.
  3. Dr. Luis Padilla Nervo, Mexican Permanent Representative at the United Nations.