III. Establishment of the seat of the United Nations in the United States: the Headquarters and Interim Headquarters agreements; the proposed general convention on privileges and immunities of the United Nations; the question of financing construction of the Headquarters 1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1946, vol. i, pp. 60116.

[21] The Secretary of State to All Diplomatic and Consular Officers

501.AC/5–2347: Circular airgram

[24] The Secretary of State to President Truman .


[27] Memorandum by Mr. Carl M. Marcy of the Office of the Legislative Counsel

Lot 71–D 440, Box 19230

[28] The United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs (Kerno) to the Legal Adviser (Gross)

Dr. Kerno’s letter not found in Department of States files; this text is from annex IV of U.N. Doc. A/371. Ernest A. Gross became Legal Adviser of the Department on August 15.

[34] The Secretary of State at the United Nations to the Acting Secretary of State

501.BB/10–1447: Telegram

[35] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Acting Secretary of State

501.BB/10–1547: Telegram

[37] United States Delegation Position Paper

IO Files: US/A/719