800.014 Antarctic/10–1347
The Department of State to the Chilean Embassy
With reference to the possible convocation of an Antarctic Conference mentioned in the Chilean Embassy’s memorandum of October 13, 1947, the United States Government does not consider the present an opportune time for such a conference. Reference is made to the statement by the Secretary of State on January 7, 1947, in a press conference, to the effect that the relative importance of Antarctic questions, in view of the many other more important current topics which exist, was not such as to justify a conference. The United States attitude remains essentially the same as it was at that time.
The United States, while reserving all its rights in Antarctica, has neither made claims nor recognized the claim of any other state to territory in the Antarctic.
Concerning plans of the United States Navy to make an expedition to Antarctica at the end of 1947, it is understood that such an expedition is contemplated. Details concerning this expedition may be obtained from Rear Admiral Edmund T. Wooldridge in the Office of Naval Operations, Republic 7400, Extension 3062.