Lot 71–D 440, Box 192321
Memorandum by Mr. John C. Ross of the United States Delegation Staff of Advisers to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Herewith is original of the latest draft of your statement2 on the Vishinsky resolution, together with the manuscript material.
[Here follows a discussion of Senator Austin’s schedule, with a view to setting aside time for working on the formulation of a statement with regard to the Vishinsky resolution.]
As indicated in the attached notes dictated this morning there are rumors of amendment of the Vishinsky resolution. This is to be expected in the general atmosphere of wanting to compromise. I have a very strong hunch at the moment that we do not want to get involved in discussions and argumentation at the moment on the pros and cons. I think our objective should be a simple and clear-cut defeat of the [Page 86] resolution with as little debate as possible. If you agree with this conclusion I think it is very important that we indicate this line to our political liaison officers as early as possible on Monday morning,3 so that they can in turn spread the word. With this in view I would appreciate it if you could give either Sandy4 or me clearance on this point the first thing Monday morning.