IO Files: US/A/C.1/368

Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. G. Hayden Raynor of the United States Delegation Staff of Advisers


Subject: WarMongering

In the course of a conversation this afternoon with Justice Wold,1 he referred several times to the war of nerves and quite frankly admitted that it was very frightening to him and to Scandinavians generally. The article in the New York Times this morning with respect to the German army in the hands of the Soviets had made a great and apprehensive impression on him.

On the question of the war mongering resolution presented to the Assembly by the Soviet Union, Justice Wold expressed the opinion that it had been placed on the agenda simply and purely for propaganda reasons, and that was all the Soviets desired or hoped to get out of it. He said that it was done for the propaganda effect in Western Europe, and that it was having the effect which the authors intended.

Hayden Raynor
  1. Justice Wold, Norwegian Delegation.