560.AL/4–1547: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate at Geneva


157. For Clayton and Wilcox from Nitze.

Reur 119 House Committee has reported out Wool Bill with import fee amendment.
Acheson has memo for President urging him take steps prevent passage this amendment or veto if it passes. Acheson expected see President Thursday noon.
Monday night Acheson called Congressman Hope1 who told him House Committee had approved amendment unanimously. Expect approach Vandenberg and Eaton2 at appropriate time.
With release of amendment extensive press comment likely, SA/M preparing for Acheson press conference Friday.
Preparing veto message.
Appreciate current information status negotiations wool concession and apparent importance to Empire countries.3 [Nitze.]
  1. Congressman Clifford R. Hope of Kansas, Chairman, House Agriculture Committee.
  2. Congressman Charles A. Eaton, of New Jersey, Chairman, House Foreign Affairs Committee.
  3. In telegram 133 from Geneva, not printed, Under Secretary Clayton responded: “If this proposed increase in duty should finally become effective, it would make our task here almost impossible.” (560./AL/4–1747)