560.AL/4–1047: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate at Geneva
114. Toito 4. Subject attendance of observers from non-UN countries Dept understands Committee will determine promptly its recommendations to ECOSOC as to which countries should be invited to full conference, and on basis such invitation these countries will be given opportunity send observers Geneva for Charter discussions. US should support invitations to Italy, Finland, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria because of peace treaty provisions requiring sponsorship of UN membership for these countries, also to Austria, Burma, Eire, Portugal, Switzerland, Transjordan and Yemen. Dept position on Albania and Outer Mongolia is that US should take no initiative and [Page 916] should maintain neutral position in case their inclusion proposed by others. Spain and diminutive states should not be invited. With respect to Germany and Japan, Dept opinion is that attendance by observers from occupation authorities would be useful at Geneva, and would recommend that invitations go to ACC Berlin and SCAP Tokyo. It is Dept opinion that it is impossible at present to settle question of status of these two countries relative to world conference. Delegation at its discretion may wish to initiate action in early session of Committee along foregoing lines. Memo giving background each non-UN state being air mailed.