IO Files: US/A/C.1/588

Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Elwood N. Thompson, Special Assistant to the Director of the Office of Political Affairs


Sir Hartley Shawcross in a brief conversation while here for his Press Club address said he anticipated the veto study proposed by the United States probably would be done by the Interim Committee. He thought this would be interesting in view of the Russian stand that Eastern Europe would not participate in the committee, since they presumably will want to participate in the veto study. He did not in the course of the conversation commit himself definitely to a study or to the proposition that a study should be conducted by the Interim Committee but seemed favorable to the general idea. He did not raise some of the questions and alternatives concerning the study that had been mentioned earlier informally by members of the British Delegation.

Sir Hartley, as have other members of the British Delegation, raised the question of the implications of refusal by the Eastern Europeans [Page 224] to contribute financially to the support of programs with which they disagree. He had no particular solutions to offer.