IO Files: US/A/C.1/379

Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. G. Hayden Raynor of the United States Delegation Staff of Advisers


During a conversation with Justice Wold,1 I gained the distinct impression that while he continues to be convinced that theoretically and constitutionally some proposal along the lines of ours is desirable, that he and the other Scandinavians are becoming more and more apprehensive over stating their convictions on the matter. The speeches by the Soviet Union and the Satellites against the proposal seem to have had the effect on countries such as the Scandinavian states which the Soviets intended. These states, in my judgment, are becoming more and more frightened.

In this connection Justice Wold says it’s not a matter of voting. He said you could get the votes, but what would that mean if there is not some agreement in principle on the part of all. He seemed to feel there was some doubt that the Soviet Union would even participate in the work of the Subcommittee. As to the Subcommittee, he said he hoped it would have the widest terms of reference and not be restricted simply to drafting terms of reference for the Interim Committee. I told him that we could see no point to duplicating the substantive debate in the Subcommittee which has already taken place in Committee I.

Hayden Raynor
  1. Norwegian Delegation.