IO Files: US/A/618

Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. H. Bartlett Wells of the United States Delegation Staff of Advisers


Ambassador Primo Villa Michel1 felt that “in the end the United States would have its own way with regard to the Security Council election; it always does. You get hold of a notion and insist upon it no matter what anybody else contends.” I asked whether he had observed an inclination of states to weaken in their support of the Ukraine for this Council, and he replied, “Oh, yes, there will undoubtedly be quite a few who shift.” He indicated vaguely that there had been some suggestions of compromise (something which Carias of Honduras, with whom I had spoken earlier, had also referred to, saying Gromyko had mentioned to him the possibility of going back to Czechoslovakia), and said that if such a possibility were reopened, he thought Czechoslovakia would this time be found amenable to election.

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He continued by saying that the principle that each geographic group should select its own, candidate for Council seats was basic with “us”, the Latin American region as a whole, because once it were to fall Latin America might lose one of its two seats on the Security Council, which must be held at the cost of whatever effort might be called for.

H. B. Wells
  1. Dr. Villa-Michel was a Representative on the Mexican Delegation.