Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Memorandum by General Chou
En-lai to General Marshall67
MM 031
Nanking, June 12, 1946.
Despite the issuance of the 15-day armistice order, Nationalist troops
are intensifying their aggressive action along the various fronts in
Manchuria. Thus General Yeh, Communist Commissioner of Executive
Headquarters reported:
- “1. In the morning of June 8th, two Nationalist regiments
stationed at Tingchiafangshen townlet, due southwest of Faku
(123°23’–42°33’) launched bitter attacks toward Faku. After
fierce engagement, they wrested away Tahsiaofangshen (15 km
away from Faku), and continued their drive toward Faku. Up
till this hour ferocious fighting is still under way.
- “2. In the Penhsih (123°46’–41°21’) sector, attack against
the Communists was launched in the morning of June 8th. One
route of the Nationalists sallied out from Langtzeshan
townlet (45 lis due southwest of Penhsih), while a second
route made a thrust upon Communist position to the south of
Chiaotou townlet (15 lis due south of Penhsis). The bitter
fighting is still going on.
- “3. At about the same time, Tsemuchiao townlet, 20 lis due
southwest of Haicheng (121°44’–40°52’), was also being
attacked by the Nationalists.
- “4. In the Lafa (127°19’–43°55’) sector, the Nationalist
troops laid bitter attacks on the Communist position both
before and after June 7th. No abatement of the Nationalist
action has yet been observed.”
All the foregoing actions took place after noon, June 7th, the hour, at
which the 15-day armistice was being enforced. You are therefore
requested to notify the Nationalist troops that such aggressive actions
should be stopped without delay.
[Signature in Chinese]