Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr., to Brigadier General Henry A. Byroade, at Peiping
400. Committee of Three meeting developed the following agreement regarding the Canton situation. (This should not be construed as vitiating the authority of the Executive Headquarters, but instead assisting Field Team number 8 in solving a difficult problem—since the delegation from here will depart with instructions from [for?] General Chang Fa Kuei and safe conduct for Communist members of delegation.) That a representative group be dispatched to Canton to discuss the over-all situation with General Chang Fa Kuei and the Field Team in an effort to clarify the situation, locate Communist forces involved, arrange for necessary transport from China Theater for transfer of Communist forces, etc. The delegation will consist of Colonel Caughey,85 Colonel Pee,86 and four Communists one of which will proceed to areas where Communists are located in order to render a more complete report. This delegation will attempt, with the help of the 8th Field Team, to resolve the problem immediately. It will submit a report to the Committee of Three with a carbon copy to the Executive Headquarters.
In case you do not concur in dispatch of this delegation please wire me urgent stating reasons. Notify 8th Field Team of the probable [Page 634] arrival this delegation in Canton Sunday afternoon about 1 o’clock by C–47 aircraft.