Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Memorandum by Colonel Peter T. K. Pee to Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr.

Points Inviting General Gillem’s Attention:

Generalissimo wishes Gen. Gillem to contact Gen. Chow En-lai and explain to him the party sent from Chungking is to survey and solve the problem of “Communist East River Brigade.” They will have no jurisdiction over Hai-Nan Island.
The number of Communist troops to be shipped is limited to 3000 men.
Ask Gen. Chow to furnish the data of the location of the “East River Brigade”.
The party or the 8th field team after receiving that data should proceed to those localities to survey and to contact the Communist troops.
After contacting the troops, they should be ordered to concentrate at Ta-pong Bay waiting for embarkation. The whole process, from the time of making survey to the time of embarkation shall not exceed one month.

Peter T. K. Pee