Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Memorandum by Colonel Peter T. K. Pee to Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr.
[Chungking, March 29, 1946.]
Points Inviting General Gillem’s Attention:
- 1.
- Generalissimo wishes Gen. Gillem to contact Gen. Chow En-lai and explain to him the party sent from Chungking is to survey and solve the problem of “Communist East River Brigade.” They will have no jurisdiction over Hai-Nan Island.
- 2.
- The number of Communist troops to be shipped is limited to 3000 men.
- 3.
- Ask Gen. Chow to furnish the data of the location of the “East River Brigade”.
- 4.
- The party or the 8th field team after receiving that data should proceed to those localities to survey and to contact the Communist troops.
- 5.
- After contacting the troops, they should be ordered to concentrate at Ta-pong Bay waiting for embarkation. The whole process, from the time of making survey to the time of embarkation shall not exceed one month.
Peter T. K. Pee