
The Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy in Spain65

No. 275

Note Verbale

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of the United States of America and, in addition to the Note Verbale dated today,66 regarding the presence and activities of revolutionary groups in southern France, has the honor to inform that the Spanish Government, in its desire to make available to the Governments of England and the United States all the means of information necessary for the confirmation of those facts, would be ready to permit military observers from each of the two countries, appointed by their respective Governments, to visit the Spanish-French frontier zone, provided they would find it advisable and useful for the clarification of the facts to request from the Government of the French Republic a similar authorization with regard to the territories beyond the Pyrenees.

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department in despatch 1992, April 23, from Madrid; received May 1, 1946.
  2. Supra.