811.24556A/1–1746: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Netherlands (Hornbeck) to the Secretary of State

top secret

69. Reurtel 31, Jan. 12. Note delivered and oral statement made by me as instructed, to Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs this afternoon.

Dr. Van Roijen expressed appreciation of the explanation given in the oral statement. He said that he felt he should, in view thereof, [Page 958] and also speaking frankly, inform me off the record that there is in process on the part of his Govt consideration of a proposal that an approach be made to the American Govt on the subject of security arrangements, wherein there would be involved the question of air bases under reference in my Govt’s communication just delivered; and that he should add, also off the record, that the approach thus contemplated should be disassociated from the question of arrangements in effect or to be made which flow from military necessities of World War II and operations in liquidation of disposals of forces connected therewith; he was telling me this in advance of there having been made a Cabinet decision and in order to guard against possibility of any inference, at such time as such approach might be made, that it had been inspired by or came in consequence of receipt by his Govt of the communication which I had made.

I inquired whether such contemplated approach would be likely to be made in the near future. Van Roijen replied that it might be comparatively soon.
