List of Obvious Problems Connected With
the Liquidation of Alcom/AMG
1. Disposal of funds, records, and effects held by Allied
Financial Agency.
2. Maintenance of present AMG Territory.
When should shipment of CCAC
supplies cease? Who handles those arriving after “R”
(Ratification) Day, keeping in mind that territory now
maintained will be Italian, Jugoslav, and Free State.
3. Legal.
What becomes of records of trials of those under sentence,
considering that those under sentence will be in Italian,
Jugoslav, and Free Territories? What undertaking, if any, will
be taken by Italy, Jugoslavia, and Free State to carry out
sentences imposed by present courts including AMG Courts?
4. Funds in Venezia Giulia.
What disposition made of funds now in AMG (so called State Treasury) custody? Presumably
the right of AMG to collect or
disburse funds, to hire and purchase, and to cover payrolls
ceases on R Day except from national funds provided by the
Allies. Therefore, all employees, including public servants,
paid from Allied (AMG) funds
must be discharged or their pay otherwise obtained.
5. Service Sub-Commissions.
You will work on the assumption that these will cease on R
6. Liaison with Italian Government.
Presumably this will no longer be an Allied function, and each
military high command will have direct liaison with the Italian
Government only in connection with the rights which may be
granted in national agreements, somewhat on the order of the
previous Military and Civil Affairs Agreements.
7. Displaced Persons.
This subject is under active consideration at all levels and no
recommendations need be made in this respect at this time.
8. Allied Supply Accounting Agency.
Close down or transfer duties.