
The Acting Secretary of State to the Apostolic Delegate in the United States (Cicognani)

My Dear Archbishop: I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of January 741 and enclosed memorandum42 regarding the former German officials presently residing in the Vatican City and the concern of the Holy See that they receive suitable treatment upon their return to Germany.

I am informed in a communication from the American Political Adviser on German Affairs that due consideration will be given to the age, sex and state of health of any German ex-officials and their [Page 805] families who may return to Germany from the Vatican City pursuant to the recall order of the Allied Control Council and that the maximum consideration extended to any German of the same category will likewise be extended to these Germans.

I hope that with the receipt of this assurance the Holy See will find it possible to agree to the departure of the individuals in question.

Sincerely yours,

Dean Acheson
  1. Not printed.
  2. Ante, p. 798.