840.6362/9–1246: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State


2144. Current status coal report described in mytels 2119 and 2120, September 10. Following in answer to other questions in Department’s 1866, September 11:16

There is no agreement on amount of tonnage reduction in coal exports covering any temporary period. [Page 793]
French have indicated willingness to accept a reduction of 150,000 tons from August total of German export and Austria combined.
British have indicated generally that a considerably higher tonnage reduction would be necessary.
Soviets have indicated nothing beyond a desire to help France with a special allocation of coal from Saar or Ruhr.
US member has indicated to all the necessity of a reduction with a desire to bring the British and French extreme positions; to a compromise.
The French have made no mention of balancing any reduction in German coal availability with increased imports from US. They have been receiving some coal currently from Poland.
Coal Experts Committee has not met since ACC meeting September 10, because Soviet member not available. It is endeavoring to meet September 13.

Sent Dept as 2144: repeated to Paris for Matthews as 280.

  1. This telegram reads as follows: “What is current status coal committee report to CFM? Is there agreement on amount by which coal exports should be reduced for temporary period, and if not, what is view of each member of committee? Do French take position reduction German coal exports contingent corresponding increase US coal availabilities?” (840.6362/9–1146)