840.6362/5–2146: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State


1305. Personal for Matthews.84 As you know the Secretary discussed with Clay the Saar coal problem. Clay advised him that the granting of the French request for all increases in production after January would establish a dangerous precedent relative to increases in production in all other zones. It would also be inconsistent with quadripartite control. As I understand it, the Secretary expressed his concurrence. At the meeting with Bidault and Bevin,85 it was agreed that every effort would be made to raise 500,000 tons for France in June to replace the coal formerly shipped from the US. Generals Robertson and Clay were instructed to return to Germany and to develop the maximum additional tonnage which could be raised here for France in June.

Clay met with Robertson today after inquiry. During the meeting it was developed that the American authorities believe that it will be possible to allocate for this purpose 60,000 tons from US military as distinguished from civilian supply. Robertson stated that subject to London’s approval he was suggesting that 100,000 tons would be available from the British for this purpose.86 Clay is making formal report through WarCAD.

  1. H. Freeman Matthews, Director of the Office of European Affairs.
  2. Reference is to a meeting, outside the Council of Foreign Ministers, which took place on May 16; no record of this meeting has been found in Department files.
  3. In Department’s telegram 2474, May 22, to Paris, not printed, Secretary Byrnes transmitted for M. Bidault an informal report on the figures mentioned by Generals Clay and Robertson (862.6362/5–2246).