740.00119 Control (Germany)/10–2646: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State


2466. Remytel 2455, October 25. Statement regarding removal of German skilled workers in Taegliche Rundschau of October 24 (not October 25 as stated) as follows:

“The Chairman of the Berlin Office of Trade Unions Chwalek98 declared to our correspondent that he had requested a collaborator of Soviet Kommandatura for explanation concerning departure German specialists from Berlin. He was told that some groups of German engineers and technicians had in fact left on basis of agreements of Soviet economic enterprises to work in industrial enterprises of Soviet Union.

“Many of them left for Soviet Union with their families. All had been supplied with sufficient foodstuffs. Each was provided with seat in passenger car and special freight car had been placed at their disposal for their personal effects.

“In reply to Mr. Chwalek’s question concerning nature of work to be performed by these specialists he was informed that upon their arrival in Soviet Union they would be employed in an enterprise according to their qualifications. Chwalek also inquired whether German trade unions would be furnished chance subsequently of looking into living conditions of these workers in Soviet Union and he was told that this possibility was not excluded.”

[Page 740]

By way of reaction to General Kotikov’s complaint (paragraph 2 my 2455) British Commandant agreed that Neumann “report” was wrong and that it was forbidden for Germans to criticize allied administrations and moreover it would not be tolerated when administration criticized was in accordance with agreed democratic principles and was not in violation of any quadripartite agreement of Allied Kommandatura or of ACA. British Commandant considered however that in this case action of Soviet administration criticized had violated two of main principles of democracy namely liberty of subject and freedom from fear and moreover was contrary to agreements made and orders issued both by Allied Kommandatura and ACA. He indicated however that he would take action suggested in last paragraph of Soviet Commandant’s statement but emphasized he would support no motion which condemned under Directive 4099 the SPD actions.

The US Commandant indicated his agreement in principle with British representative. He stated that Directive 40 would be vigorously enforced in American sector. However, he considered that Germans had some right to lodge protests against undemocratic action; that he considered the appeal of SPD not undemocratic.

Sent Department as 2466, repeated Moscow as 341.

  1. Roman Chwalek, Chairman, Berlin Branch, Free German Trade Union Association (FDGB).
  2. See footnote 93, p. 737.