851.00/5–646: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State


2156. On eve of referendum vote on constitution the utmost importance should be ascribed to the position and views of French Communist Party on constitution and related matters.

In general the members of Central Committee of party are fairly optimistic as to results of referendum and the majority thereof consider that the “yes” vote will represent slightly more than 50% of total. The Communists attach great importance to Communist and Socialist campaign in favor of constitution but even more so to appeal of CGT (Confédération Générale de Travail) which, they believe, great majority of working class will follow. Although they recognize that results depend to large degree upon number of abstentions at polls the Communists also feel that the general population desires to terminate the “provisional regime”.

Nevertheless the party’s Central Committee does not conceal some anxiety over campaign directed against constitution by MRP (Mouvement [Page 439] Républicain Populaire), PLR,57 Radical Socialists and the anti-Communist bloc of Socialists represented more or less by Combat group.58

Communist position is that if constitution is approved not only will the chances of Communist victory at June elections be augmented but what is more important the new constitution will enable them to vote laws facilitating the advent of Soviet brand of Communism in France “by gradual stages”, particularly through disintegration of the “bourgeois state apparatus”; this disintegration would be affected under high Communist strategy not only within the various Government administrations and institutions but also within industrial enterprises.

Communists consider that task will be easier within nationalized enterprises but they intend not to neglect private sector of national economy and here the CGT will be utilized to fullest extent in aim of introducing eventually worker’s control over administration and finance.

Thus the party counts on grasping step by step the most important command levers of state wherever possible pending the introduction of Soviet regime. The difficulties of attaining ultimate goal are not underestimated by the party’s political BU [bureau] and accordingly the problem of the illegal seizure of power is posed. It is the considered opinion of political BU that ultimately the party will be obliged to resort to national insurrection in order definitely to “conquer power”.

Consequently Communists continue to devote great attention to military matters, especially with respect to organization of former FTP,59 veterans of international brigades, war veterans and reserve [officers?] in general; these operations are under the general supervision of Casanova, War Veterans Minister, aided ably by militants such as Villon. While it is improbable that Communists in immediate future will resort to armed action, it should not be overlooked that potentially party military and police organizations could under certain circumstance decide political fate of France. For example armed groups acting in concert with majority of Paris police with support of Communist dominated CGT might prove capable of seizing and holding power but such a contingency probably will not arise until Communists perceive they are seriously losing ground or until they gain far more power than is now the case in Parliament and principal Ministries.

[Page 440]

Accordingly the political and economic implications of referendum and forthcoming elections are of vital importance for Communist position as well as for entire nation. A majority of no votes to the referendum would represent a major defeat for Communists and would probably result in radical alterations in party line, particularly if they should also lose ground at the June elections. See my 2119, May 2.

  1. Presumably PRL is meant, the Parti Républicain de la Liberté.
  2. Combat, a daily newspaper published in Paris.
  3. Francs-Tireurs et Partisans.