The British Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs (Bevin) to the Secretary of State
top secret
Paris, 10 May 1946.
Dear Mr. Byrnes: With reference to the
private conversations which we have had in Paris51 on the subject of bases I have now received
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from the Cabinet the
enclosed statement of the position of His Majesty’s Government.
This statement represents the considered view of His Majesty’s
Government in the United Kingdom and of the Australian and New
Zealand Governments.
I think it well to let you have this statement in order that our
position should be clear. I earnestly hope that even yet, in spite
of difficulties, we shall be able to make progress. I am asked to
assure you that these Governments are anxious to get to grips with
this question and reach agreement.
Yours sincerely,
During the present consultations in London the Governments of the
United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand have taken into
consideration certain United States proposals for the future
status and use of bases in the Pacific. The three Governments,
whilst all desirous of agreeing to an arrangement on this matter
that will be satisfactory to the United States as well as
themselves, feel it necessary to have regard in this matter to
their common interests in the South Pacific area. As the next
step in examining this situation, the Australian Minister for
External Affairs and the New Zealand deputy Prime Minister hope
for an early opportunity of discussion with the United States
Government in Washington in the course of their return journey
from the present meetings in London.
Among the places which have been under consideration with the
Dominion Ministers is the island of Tarawa and the three
Governments recognise that special provision might well be made
in this island to commemorate its capture in 1943 by the United
States Marines in a feat of gallantry and endurance which has
never been surpassed even in the annals of that famous