840.811/11–646: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Johnson)


278. For Stinebower.88 Retel 767 Nov 689 quoting telegram from SYG Oct 30 USDel requested to inform SYG that US Govt regrets to inform SYG that in light of information conveyed in his telegram of Oct 30 this Govt feels that no good purpose would be served in convoking conference on Danube River traffic at this time. However US Govt suggests that SYG should inquire of other Governments concerned as to circumstances under which they would agree to convocation of such a conference.

Suggest you discuss with Thorp90 or Matthews to assure that foregoing will not embarrass any positions being taken in CFM.

  1. Leroy D. Stinebower, Adviser, US delegation, preparatory commission of the UN Food and Agricultural Organization.
  2. See footnote 84, p. 279.
  3. Willard L. Thorp, alternate delegate, US delegation, preparatory commission of the UN Food and Agricultural Organization.