740.00119 Council/8–2446: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State73

us urgent

4256. Secdel 743. Dept informed August 23 that on August 13 Yugoslavs requested that question of restitution of Danubian vessels be placed on ECOSOC agenda. Considerable attention focused on this question here as result of Moscow radio report August 22 which stated, erroneously, that matter had been referred to Security Council. When question arose in Acting Secretary’s press conference the position was taken that this barge question was only one element in broader question of freedom of navigation on Danube and that US has been endeavoring to discuss Danube question with interested parties for long time.

In light of these developments it is suggested that Dept immediately issue press release summarizing efforts to get consideration of Danube question at Potsdam, at first CFM meeting, in peace treaties, and through bilateral negotiations with Soviet authorities in Vienna, such a statement to be followed by release of US proposals made to Soviets in Vienna early this year. (Refer USDel Memo from Clayton to Secretary of August 2.74) With this record made publicly available, plus other factual information regarding actual conditions on the Danube, the US could then take the position that we would welcome additional consideration of the Danube questions in ECOSOC. The objective would be to broaden consideration from merely the 167 Yugoslav vessels as a restitution issue to the broad question of restoration of freedom of navigation on the Danube. Sent to Paris, repeated to Berlin and Vienna.

  1. The Secretary was in Paris for the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers.
  2. Not printed.