CFM Files

United States Delegation Journal

USDel (PC) (Journal) 24

Mr. Walker (Australia) proposed that the Commission postpone its preliminary discussion of Article 64 (Reparation) for the purpose of determining whether a Reparation Sub-commission should be established until the members of the Commission had received and considered the relevant amendments which had been submitted and any available information as to claims for reparation. He noted that the Australian Delegation had submitted an amendment providing for the creation of a permanent Reparation Commission [C.P.(Gen.)Doc. 1.B.10] and suggested that the Commission would want to consider this amendment in reaching a decision as to the creation of a sub-commission. Dr. Bartos (Yugoslavia) supported the proposal for a postponement of the discussion. M. Alphand (France) suggested that a technical sub-commission be nominated immediately to study and collate the reparation claims. Mr. Thorp (USA) said that he knew of no rule barring the submission of new claims for reparation and suggested that the Commission fix a deadline for the submission of claims. He thought that it would be useful to create a sub-commission, even if the Australian amendment were accepted. M. Vyshinsky (USSR) supported the proposal for a postponement of the discussion and suggested that the Commission adjourn until Monday without discussing the creation of a sub-commission. Sir David Waley (UK) favored the creation of a technical sub-commission, as proposed by M. Alphand, but was ready to defer consideration of the question until Monday. He also suggested that the deadline proposed by Mr. Thorp be fixed as midnight of Thursday, August 29. Mr. Walker was agreeable to an adjournment until Monday, provided that the Commission would again postpone its meeting if the necessary materials had not been made available to the Commission before Monday’s meeting.

The Commission agreed to adjourn until Monday and to fix midnight of Thursday, August 29, as the deadline for the submission of memoranda embodying claims for reparation.