CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 24
The Commission held a preliminary discussion on the Australian amendment to the preamble (C.P.Gen.Doc. 1.B.1).50 Since this document and a memorandum submitted by the Rumanian Delegation51 were received by some delegations only at the start of the meeting, it was decided that no final decision on them would be taken at the present meeting. The Australian Delegation presented and explained its proposal that the preamble should include the following words describing the treaty of peace: “conforming to the principles of justice and equity and securing to all persons in territories affected by it human rights and fundamental freedoms without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion”. The Ukrainian and Czechoslovak Delegations considered this language too vague and requested explanation from the Australian Delegation. The latter indicated that its main concern was to have stated clearly in the preamble the principles on which the treaty was based and also to provide for protection of minorities. The Czechoslovak Delegation asked the precise meaning of the term “human rights and fundamental freedoms” and of the expression “in territories affected by it”. The Australian Delegation wished to have these questions in writing before making a reply.
[Page 276]When it became known that the Secretariat was proposing that certain amendments which were common to all the treaties be discussed in a single body rather than in the different Commissions, the Australian Delegation suggested postponing further discussion in the Commission until it should become clear what procedure would be followed in such cases. The Soviet Delegation pointed out that no suggestion of the Secretariat was binding on the Commission and that the latter should continue its discussion on the amendments before it. The Chairman upheld the view of the Soviet Delegation. Further discussion of the preamble and the proposed amendments thereto was, however, deferred until the next meeting.
- Amendments contained in C.P. (Gen) Doc. 1 are printed in vol. iv, pp. 654. ff.↩
- The memorandum, Rumanian Observations on the Draft Peace Treaty, C.P. (Gen) Doc. 3, is printed in ibid., p. 217.↩