740.0011 EW (peace)/7–2346
The Department of State to the Egyptian Legation
The Department of State refers to various written and oral communications from the Egyptian Legation regarding the desire of the Egyptian Government to participate in the Peace Conference should the disposition of the former Italian Colonies be on the agenda.18
The Legation is informed that it is not planned to discuss the disposition of the Italian Colonies at the approaching Peace Conference. It has been agreed, however, that the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, the U.S.S.R. and France will, within one year from the coming into force of the peace treaty with Italy, jointly determine the final disposition of Italy’s territorial possessions in Africa, after they receive the recommendations of a special commission which will study the situation, taking into account the views of the inhabitants or of other interested governments.
It is suggested that the Egyptian Government may wish to make known to the Deputies of the Foreign Ministers its desire to submit its views to the Commission when it is set up, and later, if it so desires, to the Council of Foreign Ministers.
In general, this Government will be glad to support Egypt’s desire to be heard at the appropriate time.
- See, for example, the note of June 18, 1946, from the Egyptian Minister to the Acting Secretary of State, vol. ii, p. 536.↩