CFM Files

United States Delegation Journal

USDel (PC) (Journal) 19

The Commission accepted as the articles assigned to it for consideration the preamble, Articles 1–8, 19, 33–36, Annex I. It was decided to take up these articles in the order of their appearance in the draft treaty but not to begin the discussions until the Commission had before it amendments and new proposals submitted by August 20 and the statement in writing of the views of the Bulgarian Government.23 It was decided to await further information from the Secretariat concerning the procedure of inviting the ex-enemy states to [Page 254] state their views to the Commissions before taking any further steps in connection with that question.

The Greek Delegation made a statement on the preamble, taking objection to the word “active” as used to describe Bulgaria’s part in the war against Germany. This view was based on the lateness of Bulgaria’s decision to change sides and on the failure of Bulgaria to take effective military action against the Germans at the time of the withdrawal of the German forces from Greece. The Greek Delegate, Mr. Pipinelis, said that Greece would not refuse to accept the preamble in its present form and would not call for a vote, on condition that its statement be annexed to the record of the meeting. Other Delegations objected that the Greek statement was out of order since the Commission had not finished its discussion on procedure and had not begun to consider the substance of the draft treaty. It was decided that the Greek statement would be annexed to the record of that meeting at which the preamble was discussed.

Mr. Jebb (U.K.) was unanimously elected rapporteur of the Commission.

  1. For Observations on the Draft Peace Treaty with Bulgaria by the Bulgarian Government, C.P. (Gen) Doc. 4, August 26, see vol. iv, p. 238.