CFM Files
United States Delegation Journal
USDel (PC) (Journal) 19
The Commission agreed that in cases where disagreement arose as to whether the Economic Commission or the Political and Territorial Commission was competent to consider certain articles, the General Commission should decide after consultation with the Chairman of the two Commissions. The Chairman reminded the Commission of the decision taken at the Plenary Session for the submission of amendments to the Treaties by midnight, August 20.22 Mr. Thorp (USA) pointed out that the decision taken at the Plenary Session did not cut off the possibility of introducing further amendments. The Commission agreed that uniform procedure for hearing the Italian representatives should be agreed by the Economic and the Political and Territorial Commissions.
On the question of the establishment of subcommissions, the Commission agreed with Mr. Thorp’s suggestion that the Commission would achieve the most efficient use of its time by reviewing the economic articles with a view to discerning the areas of disagreement and determining whether certain articles should first be considered by subcommissions. Mr. Thorp suggested the Commission limit this discussion to one week.